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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Good point, @renta. It's important that you use the correct domain that works with the Revive Adserver setup. Reading http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Managing+Configuration+Files may help understand how things work.
  2. You probably don't need this for a simple HTTP vs. HTTPS setup - that can easily be managed with the web server configuration, and/or reviewing the comments that are produced with tags, which give details on how to customise for either HTTP or HTTPS delivery. However, if you wanted to run multiple domains, the documentation is here: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Managing+Configuration+Files
  3. For me, this doesn't work. Revive Adserver has a file in its root directory called pre-check.php, and it looks for & tests all of the core PHP functions that it needs to run correctly - parse_ini_file is one of these. If I disable this function using PHP's disable_function option in the php.ini file, I get a nicely formatted error page from Revive Adserver, telling me: Sorry, but Revive Adserver cannot currently run on your machineDetected problem:The built in PHP function "parse_ini_file" is in the "disable_functions" list in your "php.ini" file.
  4. This would suggest to me that for whatever reason, the database username/password being used to attempt the upgrade does not have the correct permissions to create new tables in your database. Perhaps the database username/password in your OpenX Source configuration files used to have this permission when you installed OpenX Source, but the permission was later removed (in which case, re-add it), or, perhaps the configuration files were manually altered to change the user used to connect to the database after OpenX Source was installed (in which case, either add the missing permission, or return the configuration manually to the user which has the appropriate permission).
  5. @tomekb, Can you provide a sanitised, safe example where we can take a look, please? Thanks.
  6. For information: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/667
  7. Just a thought @Bast - I don't have time right now to test, but do you need to include the opening and closing forward slashes into the regex? It may also be that you need to escape the forward slash that is in your regex with a backslash...
  8. Primarily, the consequences of running an "Operation Interval" less than 60 minutes were: Greater load on the server (due to more frequent summarisation of statistics at a less compact level); andGreater database storage requirements (due to more rows recorded)but without obtaining any visible improvement in the user interface (statistics still only shown at the hourly level) and often reported reduced accuracy of delivery. The intention of being able to run maintenance more often (with the associated change to the "OI") was that the maintenance engine would be more accurate, due to a better "understanding" of the details of what was happening in a zone - with the added bonus that campaigns would be turned off all the sooner when they hit their targets. In reality, though, many zones had far to little traffic to really be able to forecast accurately when the "OI" was less than 60 minutes, and any benefits in turning off campaigns sooner was completely lost as a result of the increasingly wild predictions for zone inventory that came with the smaller time forecasts. In short, it was a good idea that completely failed to work consistently in reality. The best approach is to accept that delivery will not be 100% accurate (although since OpenX Source became Revive Adserver, there have actually been a number of enhancements and bug fixes that have really made some good improvements to delivery), and just accept that you probably won't get any real advantage to reducing the "OI". That's why I have resisted documenting how to change this - and in truth, I would hope that in a v4.0 release, we'll be able to spend some time to remove this feature & clean up the code base.
  9. Hi @carlosT, I've just tested this - I created an Advertiser, and then from within that Advertiser, created a new account. I logged in as that account, and I don't have any access to the Default Manager account at all. Where are you when you're creating the new Advertiser account?
  10. No, there isn't! That's how PHP works. However, with a web server like Apache, you can do things like configure PHP settings on a host by host basis, so that your PHP settings differ for different applications. That's well beyond the remit of the Revive Adserver forums, however - please see the PHP / Apache documentation!
  11. Whenever something like this happens, a good troubleshooting step is to see if loading the banner directly in the browser still works. Perhaps the browser no longer plays the flash file?
  12. Hi @scmltd, You can use whatever payment system works for you - however, there is no integration with payment systems in core Revive Adserver, so, payments need to either be managed manually, or via a plugin or custom integration.
  13. Are all the campaigns that the banners are in still active, though? What do you see on the zone probability page for the affected zones?
  14. Hi @Renji, There's no built in option to allow the UI to work this way, but it's not something that we changed in Revive Adserver since taking over the "OpenX Source" product. So, I can only assume that this is a *really* old version of OpenX Source, and this was actually something that changed in that product many years ago.
  15. No idea, sorry @m!k. Do you have an example page where we can see this happening, please?
  16. There is an option under Preferences > Account Preferences > User Interface Preferences to control - at an account level - the columns that each account shows. However, the account itself controls this; although you could set it for each Advertiser, there's nothing to stop them from changing it.
  17. Hi @Gizmo, No, sorry - you can either have a wildcard, or a fixed size; there's not currently any support for maximum/minimum dimensions.
  18. http://www.revive-adserver.com/blog/translations-for-revive-adserver/
  19. Hi @tjb, What is 100-200 impressions in terms of overall percentage? If it's small, that's normal. If not, although not exactly related, this may be of interest: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5931093
  20. Perhaps a plugin like https://www.adserverplugins.com/dashboard-plugin-for-revive-adserver/ is what you're looking for?
  21. Hi @mlsmaycon, I would have thought 20 million impressions a day would be more than possible on a single server. What's the bottleneck? CPU? Are you using an opcode cache?
  22. I would have thought that deleting the advertiser would delete all campaigns and banners too. However, things may be cached in the UI for a while - I would not have thought for a few days, though - perhaps 20 minutes or so, depending on settings. Did things clear up in the end?
  23. Hi @tkat, That really does sound like either the table has an issue, or there's something wrong with the data in the table - check that the users and preferences all line up, and you don't have any duplicate or missing IDs for user/preference pairs?
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