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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. There a already some topics on this on the forum - I suggest you search and take a look at those.
  2. Does the campaign have any banners of the appropriate type and size that will be able to link against the zones that you have configured? The sizes need to match, and not every banner type can link to every zone type.
  3. Sure - I am presuming the snippets of code are just HTML/Javascript? If so, then you can put those in as HTML banners, and it should work.
  4. Well, that's one of those things, isn't it? Creating an all new plugin for Revive Adserver to handle a new way of detecting browsers etc. might take someone who knows what they are doing a month or so of effort? Unfortunately, we don't have any corporate sponsors who want to pay myself (or the other core team members who donate their time) to work full time on Revive Adserver, so, either we might chip away at this problem over the course of a year or two and get it done, and then everyone can have it for free, or, someone either needs to sponsor that specific feature on a commercial basis to be built as open source, or, someone has to take a chance, put in the time and build it, but then try to sell it for enough money to cover their costs. We all, unfortunately, need to make a living somehow! That's why there are commercial plugins for Revive that do cost hundred, or thousands...
  5. Hi @Lee, No, when you first download the Revive Adserver package, there will not be anything in either the plugins/ or the www/admin/plugins directories. These are places where files are created as plugins are installed into Revive Adserver, once the core system is up and running. The graphical Revive Adserver installer takes care of installing all of the default plugins that are included with the package as one of the final installation steps. All of these default plugin packages (stored as .zip files) can be found in the etc/plugins of the directory structure when the Revive Adserver package is first unpacked.
  6. In an ideal world, if you need to change any core files, think about how those changes could be done by introducing a new "hook", so that other plugins could make other changes, and then you could put in a PR for the core file to change...
  7. Hi @clickscomplace, Unfortunately, you'll have to upload the remaining assets manually - or, you'll have to set up a content server to host everything else that is needed by your HTML5 banners. At the present time, Revive Adserver doesn't have support for uploading an HTML5 banner "package" that contains everything, although it's an obvious feature that it would be great to get into the product sometime soon.
  8. Thank you! I think a ticket was raised to report this as well, and the documentation has since been updated to note this requirement. Pull requests in GitHub always welcomed!
  9. As things currently stand, Revive Adserver doesn't have any limitations on the size of files that can be uploaded - that's controlled entirely by your PHP configuration. There are TWO settings that you're potentially interested in setting, as both will impact the size of file you can upload: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2184513/php-change-the-maximum-upload-file-size Also, naturally, you need to have enough space on the filesystem the files will be uploaded onto!
  10. Revive Adserver doesn't have support for Google's WebM video format, unfortunately.
  11. This does happen sometimes. It's possible that this is due to someone direct selecting banners, or, someone simply having cached a page with the banner in place, and they are hitting the URL that logs the banner impression. As for the second issue, are you a couple of hours ahead of UTC? Revive Adserver stores everything in UTC in the database, and converts to your timezone in the UI on display.
  12. More likely to be related to CPU utilisation, number of available threads, or disk I/O. Are you monitoring these?
  13. The screenshot isn't very helpful, but you say that there are no listed banners to link. Do you have any banners that match the size of the zones that you're trying to link to?
  14. Please see: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/No+Statistics Does that help?
  15. This refers to the date.timezone setting that is in the php.ini file. That's where you need to set the appropriate timezone for your server.
  16. Not sure what you mean - if you include the invocation tag on a page, then it will be processed and render the results (or render no banner, if there's nothing to display). The only time it would not be processed and rendered is if the user navigates away from the page before that process can be completed.
  17. What port are you running the admin interface on? Port 80 for HTTP, or port 443 for SSL? Anything different?
  18. Would any of the non-JS based invocation tags be suitable in this case?
  19. Hi @justintttt, Is maintenance set up to run, and did you wait a while for the caches to clear? Is the contract campaign set with enough of a target that you'll see it, or perhaps the target is so low that it is delivering (you can see in stats after a while) but you're just not seeing it?
  20. Hi @ryanqmix, I think the reason you are struggling is that this is not going to work. Email clients (unless things have changed, which I suppose is a possibility) won't let you run JavaScript that's embedded in an email. That's why Revive Adserver has a special email zone type - it's there to support what the email clients will allow, and display.
  21. Thanks - by default, it should actually be rv_ as the prefix, not ra_, so I have updated the documentation. As noted above, though, there should be a data_bkt_m table of some kind, either with or without a prefix. If you don't have one of those, then either the install didn't work correctly, or your database has become corrupted.
  22. Hi @bekosv, No, there is not. You can play around with different banner delivery options, though - but sometimes, it may just be simpler to set up two different campaigns, each with their own trafficing requirements for the two different zones that you need different levels of traffic in.
  23. Possibly one of the myriad of PHP security mods that get in the way of Revive Adserver working?
  24. Hi @Sukh & @ZeroHour, Are you seeing this one per day, roughly - at (or around) midnight?
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