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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Do things work differently if you don't have a reverse proxy in front of Revive Adserver? Just wondering if this is something to do with the proxy, rather than Revive Adserver (or if there's an issue with Revive Adserver when used with a reverse proxy)...
  2. Try for longer than 8 hours! Revive's model is to use information about past days to forecast inventory, so if it's a brand new install, 8 hours isn't enough. Let it run for a few weeks, and see how things go. :-)
  3. Yes! Upgrades need to be run on the same domain URL as the previous install / expected final location. You can't move things about (without manually tweaking the configuration files).
  4. In short, there are also levels at the Advertiser and Website level, should you ever need to let external Advertisers or Website owners log in to see stats about their ads / websites.
  5. Yes, you can, but there's no native support, so you'll have to host all the non-HTML elements externally, and you may find that tracking doesn't work like you want or expect...
  6. No known issues that I'm aware of @drew_atx - maybe just down to default client behaviour re: loading images?
  7. Depends on settings I think @dottedquad - there's an option to recalculate priorities of campaigns on changes, which I think it on by default... But it can be disabled, so if it's not appearing to work, check that setting.
  8. No, as I said, there are no immediate plans to support AMP in Revive Adserver. You can also review our release notes, which do clearly document all new functionality in each release :-)
  9. Revive Adserver statistics are not realtime - they are generally updated only once per hour. There is also some caching of some statistics pages, so there may be some differences between views if you are looking frequently. Let things run for a while, and then take a look, and hopefully things will add up.
  10. What kind of performance monitoring do you have for your server, and what does it indicate is happening on the server when Revive Adserver stops responding?
  11. Revive Adserver does not have support for single sign on.
  12. You may need to set up your server's PHP configuration to ensure that PHP's mail() command can send emails. Please see the documentation.
  13. Glad you found it @whynote - my next suggestion was going to be to check the logs!
  14. Hi @whynote, Well, doesn't look to me like you have done what you think you have done. As you post above, here's what your Revive Adserver's /var directory permissions are: drwxr-xr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 Sep 19 13:03 var So, the "www-data" user account has write permissions on the directory, but the group and the all user group do not. So, unless your web server is running as the "www-data" user account, then the web server doesn't have permissions to write files in that directory - which is exactly what the error is telling you.
  15. Possible security extension to PHP or the web server? I think we have seen this kind of permission issue before where such tools are in place.
  16. Hi @bigtraz, Do you have the variable names from the templates?
  17. Hi @alexavby, It's possible there's a bug, but it's rather unlikely. I suspect something else is up. Are you testing this in a stand alone zone, with just the relevant banner linked, or are there a whole stack of different banners there, so it might just be chance? I'd suggest you set up a new test zone and new test banner, and test in isolation. Have you tested with different zone tag types as well, just to make sure it's not something to do with that? And do you have a lot of limitations / banners? Revive Adserver uses cookies, so, if you really have a lot of limited banners etc., then it may be your cookie space has filled up...
  18. So I appreciate you may not want to say here, but: 1. What is the URL you are using to initiate the update process? 2. What are the names of all of the *.conf.php files that you have copied from the old installation's /var directory into the new installation's /var directory?
  19. Sounds to me more likely that Revive Adserver is not reading your existing configuration file, that you copied into the new Revive Adserver code base. 1. Are the permissions correct? 2. Are you using the same domain name as your original installation to access the upgrade, and which the configuration file is named using?
  20. Hi @bigtraz, It may be that it's split into two - "Revive Adserver" is probably a common string that's used everywhere throughout the product, and "Welcome" may then be a separate string. Or, it may also be that it's just not in the language pack - there are still plenty of times I come across that. HTH.
  21. Yes, this is an ongoing issue. Revive Adserver is an open source product, while 3rd part ad networks are often huge companies, who like to change the way their tags work on a regular basis. This makes keeping up with changes to tags nearly impossible, and indeed, often tags are designed to make it hard (or impossible) for products like Revive Adserver to track the clicks. It may be that in fact, we need to update Revive Adserver to stop even trying, because it fails so often.... Sorry, not a lot we can do about this.
  22. Otherwise, the system requirements are listed at https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/requirements/ where it also notes the extensions required re: databases.
  23. Just a reminder as well to anyone following - if you've upgraded from a version that was older, it's possible the instance was already compromised - simply upgrading doesn't mean that someone who already has access will now no longer have access. There are specific steps you'll need to take if you've been compromised.
  24. Hi @JohnnyG, Barring a bug in the async code (a possibility), that sounds more like a performance issue. Asynchronous code will, by its nature, not load if the Revive Adserver system cannot respond quickly (while standard JavaScript blocks the loading, and so tends to work, even if the server is overloaded)... Do you see, at times, slow load times for banners with JavaScript?
  25. Hi @anshul123, I don't imagine you can do anything about the referer value. This is something that the browser (may) pass to the website when it arrives there, and if GA decide to capture and present that information, then there's probably nothing you can do about it.
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