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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Totally agree with @waterwheel - asking "when will latency be affected" depends on the question "what do you want the latency to be"? And with what kind of tolerance, and distribution of responses? If that matters to you, then you need to be monitoring the performance of your site's delivery, and acting accordingly. Admittedly, that's not a trivial task, but is, unfortunately, well beyond the scope of what the RA team can advise on!
  2. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8028358 ?
  3. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8028358 ?
  4. Also: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Plugins+Missing+or+Disabled https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Plugins+Incorrectly+Upgraded
  5. Hi @atom64, https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8028358 ?
  6. Correct - the option for a banner link was removed at some point. The idea is that if it's an HTML banner, then you can simply specify the link - or, indeed, links - that you want in your banner, in the HTML banner. The idea of having a single link for the whole banner is somewhat silly, because, well, the banner is HTML. Put the link(s) in as you desire!
  7. This somewhat suggests that the campaign(s) that the linked banners are in are now expired, and no longer active.
  8. Well, there are Text Banners, which are just plain text, which have a link to a destination, so that sounds quite a lot like what you want; there are also HTML Banners, which can simply contain some text & a link.
  9. Hi @SLM, Is the wizard definitely saying that it's performing an upgrade, or is it saying that it's performing an install?
  10. Apologies, @aki , looks like these tables come from the openXDeliveryLogCountry plugin, which is in our plugin repository, but not built and distributed with Revive Adserver. I will need to check in with the team to try and understand why we have the plugin in our code base, but it's not built and released with the main code.
  11. Hi @SLM, Well, I'm not sure how it happened, but you have a duplicate entry in the rv_users table, where it's the username column that has the duplicate. You will need to log into your database, and locate the rows with the duplicate username entries, take a careful backup of the rows (all the data!) and then delete the row or rows that you think are the incorrect duplicates. Hopefully, after that, it all works - and if you cannot log in again with that username, then you may need to remove the remaining row for that user, and put back in the other row (or one of the other rows) until you can log in again. Hope that helps!
  12. Hi @Mojrem, Thank you! The more support we get, the more we can do - so if you are able to help out, then naturally, we would greatly appreciate it, and look forward to making Revive Adserver even better.
  13. Hi @magvector, Unfortunately, the E-mail/Newsletter Zone doesn't support linking to Text Banners: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Creating+a+Zone However, it would not be difficult to create a simple HTML Banner that looks much the same (if not identical) to your Text Banner, and use that - HTML Banners are one of the supported options for the E-mail/Newsletter Zone.
  14. Hi @jjane, Unfortunately, there is no restore option within Revive Adserver - if you delete it, it's deleted. Your only option would be to restore from a backup of the database.
  15. Hi @JimAtkinson, I am sure I have seen this topic before - if you search the forums, then I think you will find some others who have developed a wrap around solution to the AJS tags that perform a refresh.
  16. Probably the easiest solution would be to script up the dropping & re-creation of the indexes with the prefix it's expecting.
  17. Hi @amitmjoshi, Put the two banners into the same campaign, and then use the campaign "companion positioning" option. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Creating+a+Campaign
  18. Hi @Devrim, Yes, I think this should be possible - my understanding of the delivery "context" is that you can specify things like excluding a certain campaign ID, so that all banners from the campaign will be excluded. So, that way, if you wanted only banners from Campaign 1 to display, then this could be done. But I am not sure that there's anything built into Revive Adserver to do this. I think the only built in options are "If delivery of the banner is from Campaign 1, then only show banners from the same campaign again on this page" or, "If delivery of the banner is from Campaign 1, then never show banners from the same campaign again on this page". I don't think there's anything to do "If delivery of the banner is from Campaign 1, then now exclude this list of other campaigns."
  19. Hi @admindopd, I am not sure there is - besides, you don't want to download from GitHub anyway, unless you are planning on doing Revive Adserver development. Instead, download releases of Revive Adserver from: https://www.revive-adserver.com/download/ Plugins for the release you have downloaded are included inside the package - there's no need to download them separately. See: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Plugins+Missing+or+Disabled
  20. Hi @tedstx, It looks to me like the reason the JS is giving compilation errors is because there are PHP errors appearing in the output of the call. This is potentially as a result of using an incompatible version of PHP with Revive Adserver?
  21. Possibly https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Install+Wizard+Shown+Instead+of+Upgrade+Wizard ?
  22. Hi @Sander_P, As we start to raise funding through our Patreon project (feel free to help out, and follow the link below!) I should start to get more and more time for extending the developer documentation at https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Developer+Guide (indeed, I added some new content just last week!), which will include how to develop plugins.
  23. Hi @GAEL, The first thing I would strongly recommend would be to look at upgrading from OpenX Source to Revive Adserver, as there are many security vulnerabilities that have been fixed across several years worth of Revive Adserver releases. However, as for diagnosing what's happening with the redirect issue, I would use something like the Chrome Developer Tools to watch the sequence of URLs being loaded as you bring up the page with the banner on it, and then click on the banner, to see what the browser is doing. Putting the zone onto a plan test HTML page with no other content can also be helpful, in case some other elements on the real page are interfering with the banners.
  24. Hi @aki, Well, with Revive Adserver 3.x, I don't believe that there are any built in options for logging banner deliver statistic by country. I believe that this is only possible with a 3rd party plugin or mod. What are the database tables that you are looking at, please?
  25. Hi @Kelsey Broadwell, https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Unable+to+Link+Banner+and+Zone ?
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