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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Were you upgrading using an official release package, or by checking out the code from GitHub?
  2. Hi @Cavi, Yes, Revive Adserver does attempt to deliver the total campaign impressions evenly across the lifetime of the campaign. As a general rule, the thing that will mess up Revive Adserver's ability to do this well are banner limitations. I'm working on some documentation that explains the banner selection process in more detail, but basically, the more banners that you limit, the more work Revive Adserver has to do to figure out what % of impressions it should allocate to each banner when delivering, and hence, the more that can go wrong. Do you have at least one completely unrestricted remnant campaign in the zone to take up unrequired impressions?
  3. Hi @Tuan Pham, Sorry, but unfortunately, I am not sure what you are asking. Are you saying you want to change the code? Feel free! It's open source. If you mean something else, sorry.
  4. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Plugins+Missing+or+Disabled ?
  5. Hi @EntaiseX, No - if you put an Adsense banner in the prepend or append section, then the Adsense banner will be displayed before/after the banner - that is, in addition to the banner itself. The option to "prepend/append even if no banner" simply means that the prepended/appended code will happen even when there is no banner to show. The prepend/append code does not override the banner. Does that help?
  6. Hi @EntaiseX, 2a) No, there's no default banner option at a zone level. (Or at the website level, either). So, no, the prepend/append option is not what you want - prepended/appended HTML is added before/after the banner displayed for the zone. However, you could create a default zone in the website, and put the default banner in a remnant campaign in the zone, and then chain this from your primary zone, if you do want to have a default banner that's displayed if all else fails for the zone. 2c) Why does it matter that all your zones are under the one website? This doesn't stop you from chaining from one zone to another zone? 3) This can only be done at the campaign level, with Contract campaigns: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Creating+a+Campaign 4) Anything is possible :-) Header bidding is definitely one of the features that I would like to look into as we move through our Patreon goals and start to be able to dedicate more time to new features.
  7. Hi @EntaiseX, Thanks, great question. In general: Yes, you are correct. There are a set of rules that Revive Adserver follows. It's actually been interesting for me to follow the code through today, and learn more about how that works (delivery isn't my area of specialty, yet - I'm working on it). I've written up what I have learned today, and I've asked a colleague who knows more to check things over for me. I'll come back and confirm here when it's published in our documentation. Yes, you can perform waterfall chaining. You do it with zones. You can find this on the zone's Advanced tab. So, if you want to, put your highest paying ads into a high-value zone, and then chain through to your "filler" ads in a low-value zone. If Revive Adserver can deliver from the first zone, then it will; otherwise, it will fall through to the next zone. Naturally, you can chain up as many zones as you like. As for collapsing - I wonder, if you put in a 1x1 pixel banner as your overall default (the one that Revive Adserver falls back on if it can't do anything else), would that work?
  8. Hi @shep65, https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/No+Statistics ?
  9. Hi @Carter Jexson, Excellent question, than you! You have inspired me to add a new troubleshooting guide to our documentation. Please see: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Unable+to+Link+Banner+and+Zone Please let me know if that solves your problem? If not, we'll get some more information, and figure out what the issue is...
  10. Hi @Bernard O, I was going to say something very similar, which is to ask to make sure that you have also updated your webserver configuration to ensure that the URL you have configured under the [webserver] section of the configuration file is valid, and points to the directory you have configured for the images under the [store] section of the configuration file. In your web server logs, do you see requests coming in for the images? If so, then you should hopefully also see any errors as to why they cannot be loaded.
  11. Hi @tfmkevin, I think that in terms of "deprecating" the URL field, it actually still exists, it's just not in the UI (because we felt it was confusing). So, I can think of two ideas: You could manually hack the URL back into the field via the database; or Better yet, you could take a look at how the HTML banner is modified by Revive Adserver in one of your existing banners, which you set up when the URL field was displayed, and copy how the HTML banner should be with a valid destination URL, and then put that in as your HTML banner from now on. HTH
  12. Hi @davidr, You know, that's actually not a bad idea for a feature request. I wonder if anyone else would be interested in simply being able to manually define the % of zone impressions for each banner linked to the zone? If you are still interested, maybe create a feature request in GitHub, please?
  13. Hi @Ben74, Yes, I think that would be a good approach - set up a separate zone for each of your A/B tests, and then decide which zone to display to a user dynamically, based on an external system that selects which A/B test to use, and then sets a cookie to retain that choice. HTH
  14. Hi @Ramkumar, Can you please increase the level of debug logging in PHP, and report back what it says? Thanks.
  15. Hi @Rachid, Yes, absolutely. Revive Adserver can: Use separate URLs for the admin user interface vs. the delivery of banners (and it can even use a 3rd URL for the delivery of the banner creatives); and Be installed on multiple servers, where on one server, it is configured to only allow access to delivery of the admin user interface, while on the other server, it is configured to only allow access to delivery of banners. HTH
  16. Hi @muaiyed, Can you provide a test site where we can see the issue? It's impossible for the community to provide any advice without some detail to work with. Thanks.
  17. Hi @Adamrinald, A test page where we can see the issue would definitely help.
  18. For completeness, this was fixed in Revive Adserver 4.0.0: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/722
  19. Hi @Sander, Given that you're making dynamic updates to a page anyway, would using the normal JS tags work, rather than the async tags?
  20. Hi @Thomas92, Unfortunately, there's no support for screen size delivery limitations in Revive Adserver at this time. The best approach would be to detect screen size separately, and then deliver the appropriate zone for the screen size dynamically.
  21. Hi @sumit.tailshift, Yes, very difficult to know what's going on without details - so, I would recommend using something like Chrome's developer tools to trace the flow of requests. When you click on one of the ads, does the call through to their click macro get triggered by the browser? If so, then you can see that the issue is at their end. If not, then you've got a starting point to try and figure out why it's not being triggered...
  22. Hi @Ayush_Jain, Yes, that seems like something that it should be possible to build, and for Revive Adserver to play a part in the system. Best of luck!
  23. Hi @Bast, Were you trying to upgrade by using a code checkout from GitHub, by any chance, rather than a released package?
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