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Erik Geurts

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Everything posted by Erik Geurts

  1. Looks like a problem with your server, not so much with Revive Adserver.
  2. IP addresses of individual visitors are not stored.
  3. This means you made a change to the setup of your database (indices in this case), which makes the upgrade wizard realize this is not the "original" database layout and thus it can't continue. You should removed the added indices, then you can try again.
  4. The term cb means cache buster. The value of the cb parameter is intended to be randomized so that browsers don't run it from their cache. It is not something that will be stored anywhere.
  5. Just upgrading your installation is not going to solve this, you should first clean out the injected malicious files, because otherwise they will just be moved along into the upgraded instance. Here are the technical requirements for Revive Adserver v3.2.x: http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/requirements/
  6. It's actually relatively simple, just follow the steps I outlined in my article here: http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/
  7. Please have a look at http://www.reviveconsultant.com/articles/how-to-move-the-banner-image-storage-location-in-revive-adserver/ which is what we've assumed you've done before performing an upgrade as described here http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/
  8. The software had been designed to update the statistics once per hour. This can not be changed.
  9. We've noticed the same thing in some cases. The May 2015 update of the city data file made by MaxMind appears to be defective. We reverted to the April 2015 data file and all was fine again. We tried contacting MaxMind about it, but they claim the data file is OK (even though there is strong evidence it is not). Hopefully the June update will fix things again.
  10. Revive Adserver was designed to display all ads attached to a zone in a random order, according to the probability percentages of each banner in that zone. There is no feature to setup up a specific sequence of banners.
  11. Would you be able to share the ad delivery URL and zone ID with us?
  12. This is a known issue https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/549 which will be fixed in the upcoming release v3.2.1.
  13. The most common route, as I've seen it, is a rather non-technical one: people have had their passwords compromised because they were easy to guess.
  14. I'd suggest to start browsing http://www.revive-adserver.com/security/
  15. This is a known issue: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/544
  16. In the dimensions of a zone, you can enter the width or the height (or both) as a * instead of a fixed number. This means the size becomes a wild card. Let's suppose you make a zone of 300 pixels wide and * pixels high. You can then link banners from campaigns, with sizes like 300x250 but also 300x600.
  17. I don't think that cookie-based targeting has ever been possible the way you describe it. This is not a standard feature of Revive Adserver, and never has been. One way to achieve this is by means of this third-party plugin named TargetiX: http://www.adserverplugins.com/retargeting-plugin-for-revive-adserver/ Full disclosure: this plugin was developed by me and partner Matteo Beccati and licenses are sold through my company. The proceeds of this type of activity enable us to spend unpaid time on the open source project.
  18. You should not compare Google Analytics numbers with ad server statistics. They measure different things. Google Analytics counts incoming visits or page views, not clicks.
  19. The async tag does not support auto refresh (nor should it).
  20. Since this is a third party plugin, I suggest you contact the vendor for support on their product.
  21. I assume you're referring to Italy, where the EU directive on cookies (and much more than just cookies) comes into effect in local law on June 2nd. In other countries in Europe, this has been law for many years already.
  22. There is a "help" link and a "support" link. The Support link can be configured entirely to your liking in the User Interface settings. The help link/button can't be customized.
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