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Everything posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Hi, I don't think it's an ad blocker issue - I was referring to the fact that you are getting an internal server error. An internal server error means that the webserver failed. You need to take a look in your webserver logs to see why the webserver is failing. That's usually happening before you even get to the level of being able to execute the PHP code.
  2. No idea - what video player is that? What does its documentation say about supporting pre-roll videos, and how to do it, if supported?
  3. Hi @crsurf, This means that not all of your "raw" stats data in the ox_data_bkt_a table was able to be migrated into the summary tables that sit "higher up" in the chain, so, you might be missing statistics. To fix it, we'd have to understand what the syntax error is first. Do you have logging enabled for your database, and can you determine the SQL command that is trying to be executed at that time which is causing the issue?
  4. Hallo yourself, @Display Name! Do you have a specific question you want to ask? Ideally, with some specific details of your Revive Adserver version, a screenshot of your problem banner, including the delivery rules as configured, and a plain HTML page with the banner on it, which can be accessed to show the issue? Or do you just enjoy talking out loud? :-)
  5. Hi @prophoto, Well, you know, you posted your question right around end of year break time, and then bumped the post every day without giving the community much of a chance to respond! If you were doing something with a paid support contract, fair enough, I'd want an immediate response too, but it's a little OTT for an open source project's community forum! Anyway, on to your issue. It's hard to know where to start with helping you, because you haven't given us much detail. You say that you are getting an invalid username/password error while upgrading. At what point of the upgrade are you seeing this? Some screenshots would help. Are you following the defined, recommended upgrade process, or are you doing anything custom? Have you followed any of the troubleshooting guides, and if so, which ones? Have you double checked that your username is for an account with admin rights in Revive Adserver? What do you see in your log files that is of interest? If you want help from the community, you need to put some effort in to giving the community something to work with.
  6. I think you can do this with the Site - Variable delivery limitation?
  7. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Banner+Selection+Mechanism
  8. Blank pages are usually indicative of a server error in PHP. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Revive+Adserver+Broken may help?
  9. Ah, okay. In that case, Revive Adserver does not currently have support for things like header bidding, preferred deals, etc. at this stage. It's something that I am interested in, though - but have just not yet had time to really dive into how we might support it in Revive Adserver.
  10. Development environment - an environment in which you'd make changes to the code base. Test framework - an environment in which you'd execute the suite of various automated tests that exist. Using Git to clone Revive Adserver and then use this to run a production system is definitely NOT best practice. We have a note about this on our Git page - we perform specific changes to the code base to create releases for use in production, and you must NOT use a clone of the code base in production.
  11. Hi @Chipppie, Okay. Have you checked that they are writable by the web server user? Have you checked for any other ACL permissions systems that might be in place other than basic write permissions on the filesystem?
  12. The project isn't dead - but cross-posting doesn't really help, because I don't know where your original question is :-)
  13. It sounds to me like either your system has been hacked, or you have a system in place that is making these changes. If you self-host, try and clean server in a new environment, and install from scratch, paying attention to what you set up. If you are not self-hosting, talk to your hosting provider for assistance.
  14. Unfortunately, I have never actually once in my life used the API! Shameful, I know, but that stems from back in the really, really old days, when the product was commercially owned, and it just wasn't an area where I did any work. So, I'm unable to help at this stage, until I get a chance to dig into it!
  15. Hi @Matteo, I would double check the full path to your previous installation, and make sure that (if you happen to have moved the old installation to a new location, so that you can put the new installation where the old one used to be) the correct permissions are granted to allow the webserver to read the old installation's files.
  16. Hi @elmer, No, you don't need to upgrade to an intermediate version - you can go directly from your current version to the latest version. How did you get the Revive Adserver 4.1.1 release - did you download a release package from https://www.revive-adserver.com/download/ ?
  17. Hi @wt759, If you create an HTML5 banner type, then the option to upload the ZIP file is there in the details of the HTML5 banner.
  18. Hi @YPCrumble, Thanks, I have added that XML-RPC API documentation is something that needs to be done to my TODO list: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/TODO However, if you would like to have a go at documenting it, that would be great! Unfortunately, the does are not in a system that supports PRs, so, if you want to just do something in plain text, that would be a fine start, thanks. The "Allow XML-RPC Invocation Tag" option is for a separate XML-RPC invocation tag type, and actually has nothing to do with the XML-RPC API. The endpoint you are going to is just a base URL, AFAIK - you probably need to generate a valid XML request that defines the API action you are looking to perform...
  19. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Directory+Permissions
  20. https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Revive+Adserver+Broken#ReviveAdserverBroken-HTTP500ErrorCode
  21. Unfortunately, we often see that people were hacked while running really old versions - there is no denying that there were a lot of remote exploits from back in the day - but while we have fixed those holes, if your install has already been hacked, and someone has admin access, then just upgrading isn't enough, because the hackers still have admin access! http://www.openxconsultant.com/blog/2011/10/what-to-do-when-you-suspect-your-openx-system-has-been-hacked/ is a pretty good place to start.
  22. Hi @dhruv, There's no built in support for that, so, your only option for this would be to modify the source.
  23. Hi @dhruv, Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by that.
  24. Hi @NP Communications, There are primarily three ways new features end up in Revive Adserver: 1. The core team meets from time to time, and decides what our priorities are. Then, based on the amount of time we can commit to the project (as funded by Patreon), we work on those priorities. 2. Someone decides they want a specific feature, and specifically funds the development work for that feature. 3. Someone decides they want a specific feature, and they send us a PR of the code changes to put that feature in.
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