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Erik Geurts

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Everything posted by Erik Geurts

  1. What would you be using the exported data for?
  2. Looks like your upgrade failed. I would suggest rolling back and then starting over: https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/
  3. That append code looks very suspicious. Did you put it in yourself? If not, it might be the cause of all this (or a symptom of a bigger problem).
  4. Revive Adserver can probably do this as well, with the help of a well developed plugin. You could consider contacting www.adserverplugins.com about this (full disclosure: I'm co-founder of that project), and discuss if this can be achieved.
  5. My best guess is that your ad server was compromised. You could start by checking the prepend and append fields of all the banners and zones. If someone managed to access your installation, they may have added malicious javascript code there.
  6. Dave's answer is not exactly what the original post asked about.
  7. Either the scanner has a false positive or your own installation of Revive Adserver was compromised.
  8. Is this a new installation or an upgrade? Sounds like something went wrong in either of those.
  9. In which folder are those files? Those tables contain your ad server's statistics, they are supposed to be large (in big systems they can run into many millions of rows).
  10. Thanks for your 'kind' words. Revive Adserver is not dead. This is an open source project, if you have ideas, or other ways to contribute to the project to improve the areas you mentions, feel free to jump in.
  11. Installation in the main folder of a virtual host should work just fine. The only reason we suggest a subdirectory is because it makes future upgrades much easier.
  12. You can achieve this by using frequency capping.
  13. I would recommend to wipe this test installation and start over. Please start by checking https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/requirements/ and then follow https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/installation/.
  14. Bots often cache links and revisit them later.
  15. This is not a software issue, not a bug, it is the result of bots on your site that are "clicking" any link they can find.
  16. There is some ongoing work for the next release of Revive Adserver with regard to various forms of device and OS targeting. You will not need a third party plugin for that, it will be built right into the core application.
  17. Yes, Hogiro is right. Here is an article describing exactly how to achieve this: http://www.reviveconsultant.com/articles/how-to-test-an-ad-on-the-site-without-visitors-seeing-it/
  18. I think you are referring to OpenX Ad Exchange, see http://openx.com/product/ad-exchange/ See: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Managing+Configuration+Files
  19. There is no OpenX Marketplace. It was closed in 2012. To answer your question: yes, you can use one instance of Revive to respond on multiple ad delivery URLs.
  20. If you had a case where your upgrade process did not complete in the past, it is likely to cause problems even now. I would recommend going back to the previous version and doing the upgrade again.
  21. During the upgrade process, the upgrade wizard will update the version number in the database. In your case somehow this has not occurred. That's usually a symptom of a failed upgrade process or some other kind of issue.
  22. Perhaps start reading about your new software here: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/User+Guide
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