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Erik Geurts

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Everything posted by Erik Geurts

  1. Please do not double post the same question.
  2. Sorry to disappoint you, but since the ad server is completely unaware of what's going on inside the iframe, it is impossible to count clicks on this type of externally hosted banner.
  3. Adding the click macro to the source URL of the iframe means that a click will be counted for every single impression. You should remove that. The real answer to your question is that clicks inside iframes can not be counted.
  4. Revive Adserver is what it says, an ad server. You'll have to provide the video player yourself.
  5. It is not an error message. It simply tells you that zones being used for pre-roll video do not use the ordinary invocation code. Just follow the link in the note to http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Invocation+code%3A+Zone+level#InvocationCode:ZoneLevel-Video where you will find more information about what to do. Also please have a look at https://www.revive-adserver.com/blog/can-revive-adserver-support-vast-2-0/
  6. Can you please explain what the problem is you are trying to solve?
  7. Sounds to me to be a problem with the configuration of this virtual machine.
  8. Revive Adserver v4 does not change anything relative to your (outdated) version, when it comes to interstitials. I would like to recommend upgrading anyway, since the version you run now has many well known security issues.
  9. Sounds to me like something went wrong installing one or more plugins. Since this is a new installation, my best advise is to start over from scratch.
  10. My gut feeling is this has nothing to do with Revive Adserver itself, but just with that virtual machine not running very well on a tablet.
  11. It's not a requirement, just a little bit of friendly advise. And that message seems pretty clear to me.
  12. The post may have gotten deleted due to our spam protection detecting it to come from a know spamming network. May I recommend to use a normal name instead of those odd looking aliases. It helps to be taken seriously...
  13. It's impossible to diagnose this based on such limited information. First thing to check is to make sure that your server does not meet the technical requirements. See https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/requirements/
  14. There is no user by that name.
  15. The purpose of any ad server, including Revive Adserver, is to place a generic set of invocation codes (one per zone) on a webpage or website. You can then use the user interface of the ad server to manage which campaigns and banners appear on those zones. See http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Key+Concepts
  16. If, during the installation phase, the installer finds cases of files or folders where the permissions or ownership needs to be changed, it will inform you and enable you to try again after changing. If not, then it will just continue. I assume that the files already had the required access privileges for the installer to proceed.
  17. Did you create a website and a zone yet?
  18. You only have to put one zone's invocation code on your website. I usually call that the primary zone. That primary zone delivers a banner with the third party's tag in it. If the third party is unable to deliver a paid ad of their own, they will serve your own passback zone's invocation code. And that zone (let's call it the secondary zone) delivers one of your own alternative banners, closing the sequence. So the secondary zone is not placed directly onto your site, it will appear through the third party's system automatically, if and when needed. This setup is also referred to as daisy chaining or waterfall.
  19. A passback tag is a fancy term for what would be called a zone's invocation code in Revive Adserver. When the third party doesn't know how to fill your ad request, they will instead call a tag (invocation code) you provided them. So you can create a new zone, then link at least one banner to it that can serve at all times. Make sure NOT to link the banners that contain the third party's own tags to the new zone, otherwise you will create a feedback loop, which will bring down the entire internet :) Next, generate the invocation code for that zone (I recommend picking the async javascript) and send that to that third party ad supplier. However, you might also include some pressing questions like: why don't you fill 100% of the inventory I send you?
  20. Sounds to me like during the installation some (or all) of the plugins didn't get installed. Have you checked that?
  21. It's going to be hard if not impossible to assist you with this through the public forums. I assume it's going to take a bit of hands-on work to get you back in control of your ad server. Have you considered hiring someone to fix it for you?
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