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Everything posted by Revive Adserver Forum

  1. We are happy to announce that the core Revive Adserver team has transferred the intellectual property rights of the Revive Adserver product to a new company, Revive Software and Services. This doesn’t really have any practical effect as far as the community and project are concerned – although we will update the copyright notice in Revive […][url={url}]View the full article[/url]
  2. Revive Adserver v3.2.2 is now available. This release fixes a number of medium security issues, which were recently discovered and reported to the Revive Adserver Project team, some via direct community feedback, but mostly via the Revive Adserver HackerOne project (which is the reason for the relatively large number of security issues resolved in this […][url={url}]View the full article[/url]
  3. The Revive Adserver team is delighted to announce that we have joined HackerOne, a vulnerability management and bug bounty platform. Revive Adserver has been part of the HackerOne platform in invite-only mode for the past few months, and although, as an open source project, with no revenue stream at the moment, we can’t offer bounties, […][url={url}]View the full article[/url]
  4. Your MySQL user will need "all priviliges", during install and also during normal operation.
  5. We noticed that there are issues with links, a situation that started when we upgraded the forum's software recently.
  6. Following up on an article about the quick adoption of Revive Adserver v3.2.0, I had a look at the current situation. From the numbers for July 31, 2015, it turns out that almost half of all Revive Adserver installations runs a recent version of the software, v3.0.6 or above. Version 3.2.x Seeing over 2,000 instance running v3.2.x, and over 1,300 of those on the most recent v3.2.1 is very rewarding. These users take full advantage of the newest functionality, which includes the asynchronous javavcript tags introduced in v3.2.0 (and a small fix for Flash ads via async tags in v3.2.1). Version 3.1.0 A little over 1,700 of you are still running on version 3.1.0. That version is perfectly stable, and if you don’t have a need for asynchronous tags, it is understandable that upgrading is postponed. Since the previous blog post, some 15% of v3.1.0 user have upgraded to v3.2.0 or v3.2.1. These newer versions do have many enhancements and bug fixes, so I would suggest that upgrading is something to be considered. Recommendation to upgrade for users of all older versions Version 3.0.6 is a small security fix relative to v3.0.5, so it might even be that part of those v3.0.5 installation have that patch applied, even though the application will still report in as v3.0.5. Anyone still running Revive Adserver software older than v3.0.5 is exposed to several known security vulnerabilities, all of which have been fixed a long time ago. I would like to urge anyone still using one of those older versions to upgrade to the most recent version available. Just download the newest version and then follow the upgrade instructions. Like with any other software product, running the latest stable version is the safest option. View the full article
  7. You are mixing up the ad server installation you have on your own server and this community forum. I've removed your domain to make it less likely you'll be hit by brute force attacks, since you also listed your username. If you can't log in on your own ad server installation, we can't help you here. The software has a feature to recover your username and password.
  8. There is no record of anyone every creating a username here with those details. Can you point us to a forum post you wrote using that username you claim went missing? Are you sure it was on this forum?
  9. Please have a look about out blog post http://www.revive-adserver.com/blog/can-revive-adserver-support-vast-2-0/
  10. One of the more frequently asked questions that we see about Revive Adserver is about VAST support. People want to know why Revive Adserver doesn’t support VAST 2.0 or VAST 3.0 out of the box. Well, here’s why. When we took over what was OpenX Source and re-named it Revive Adserver back in 2013, all we hoped for was the chance to allow the project to grow once again – and it has done so, beyond all expectations. We now have over 6,000 users of Revive Adserver, we’ve released 10 updates to the software, and closed 337 issues in GitHub, including numerous security fixes. We’ve also been extremely proud to introduce a number of brand new features to the software that users have wanted for years – such as asynchronous JavaScript delivery tags, logging of blank impressions and improvements to the delivery algorithm for better campaign delivery. The amazing team of developers who volunteer their time to Revive Adserver are dedicated to making as much happen as possible, as soon as possible – but the truth is that there is always going to be more work than time, so there will always be some users who are disappointed that the feature they want the most isn’t included out of the box. You may be aware that VAST 2.0 support is available for Revive Adserver via the (commercial) Advanced Video Ads plugin for Revive Adserver. This plugin was developed by two of the volunteer members of the Revive Adserver team before Revive Adserver was formed. Given their time and effort to create this commercial plugin, it would be unfair to ask them to open source this plugin. However, in the event that anyone else chooses to develop or otherwise open source a VAST plugin for Revive Adserver that is suitable, then as a project, we would not hesitate to include such a plugin in the core product. So, to everyone who feels that VAST 2.0 or 3.0 support should be in the core of Revive Adserver, we’re sorry that it’s not there already. We’d love it to be there as much as you – but as a project based on the goodwill of its members to create code for free and release it as open source, we can only deliver what the community puts in. If something suitable is donated, then we’ll absolutely include it. Until that day, however, I hope that you’ll understand, and appreciate everything that Revive Adserver does, completely freely and openly. Sincerely, Andrew Hill View the full article
  11. Also, it looks like you're using a third party product. This forum isn't suited for that, please ask your provider for support
  12. I removed your domain and login credentials from your post. That was not a very good idea. These credentials have been on the page for some time, for the world to see, so I suggest you change all your passwords IMMEDIATELY!
  13. Revive Adserver v3.2.1 is now available. This new version addresses and fixes the following issues: Flash banners now work correctly through the asynchronous tags introduced in v3.2.0. The campaign edit screen had javascript errors when switching to some languages other than English, and was therefore unusable. This has been fixed. Some translation strings that were mistakenly removed in the cleanup of the language files, have been restored. This fixes certain issues in the delivery limitations screen. The regular Javascript Tag is once again present in the invocation screen dropdown, in addition to the asynchronous tags introduced in v3.2.0. HTML entities, such as “&”, are now properly parsed when using the “Alter HTML” functionality for a banner. This should fix a problem with truncated destination URLs. The getBannerTargeting API call did not work when the banner didn’t have any delivery limitation. This has been fixed. The full list of changes included in version 3.2.1 can be reviewed on the project’s Github pages. Download, install and upgrade Revive Adserver v3.2.1 is available for download now. Once downloaded, please refer to the instructions for Installations of Revive Adserver or for Upgrading Revive Adserver. Make sure that the server(s) being used meet(s) the minimum technical requirements. View the full article
  14. Revive Adserver version distribution on May 25, 2015 One month after the release of v3.2.0 of the Revive Adserver software, we’re starting to see a nice adoption rate for the new version by the community. This graph shows the various versions and their relative share of the overall picture. There were a total of 6,449 active installations of Revive Adserver being counted on May 25. Of those, 693 were already running on the latest version 3.2.0, which is 11%. 31% of the installations are running on version 3.1.0. Almost 40% are still running on version 3.0.5. No less than 16% of installations are still running v3.0.2, that’s over 1,000 installations. The remaining 313 installations, less than 5%, are running some other version. We are very proud to notice that so many of you have started to use version 3.2.0. If you’re still using version 3.1.0, that’s fine too. It might be that you’re waiting for a known issue in v3.2.0 with Flash banners not working correctly via the new asynchronous tags to be fixed. We’re close to releasing a bug fix release that will take care of that. Running version 3.0.5 or even version 3.0.2, which is what more than half of the community is doing, is something we are a little bit concerned about. Any versions before v3.1.0 (or the special patch release v3.0.6) has several known security vulnerabilities. We would like to urge anyone still using one of those older versions to upgrade to the most recent version available. Just download the newest version and then follow the upgrade instructions. View the full article
  15. see http://www.revive-adserver.com/faq/geotargeting-with-revive-adserver/
  16. see http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Standard+Plugins
  17. Async tags use a friendly iframe, so RTB systems shouldn't mind. Most likely cause is that your pages are loading faster now, but the async tags mean the visitors never see the ads because your own ad server is slow.
  18. The Revive Adserver project team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Revive Adserver v3.2.0. The most important improvements for this new version: Revive Adserver now offers support for asynchronous javascript tags. The benefit is that a website that contains these asynchronous tags will continue to work even if the ad server, for whatever reason, is slow or not responding. Many new translations are included, from contributions by community members in our Translations project on Crowdin. Fixes for a dozen bugs. A separate post describing and explaining asynchronous tags will be posted in the coming days. What’s New in Revive Adserver version 3.2.0? Version 3.2.0 of Revive Adserver does not include any security updates. We have included the following new features and improvements in Revive Adserver v3.2.0: Added new Javascript based asynchronous tags. Added new help dialogue for companion positioning option. Integrated (most) translations with Crowdin. Added plugin hooks to the VAST events in the VideoAds plugin. Added preliminary support for PHP7. Version 3.2.0 introduces a number of bug fixes: Fixed issue with interstitial images (e.g. close.gif) always using http:// even when the request came via https. Fixed issue with interstitial layers showing even when no matching banner was found, since the introduction of blank logging. Fixed issue that prevented the error message screen to be displayed when trying to install or run Revive Adserver with some required functions disabled via php.ini. Fixed issue causing campaign revenue to be improperly parsed when using a number format different than nnnn.nn. Fixed a problem with the destination URL not being available for new overlay video ads, and potentially other HTML-based custom banner types. Fixed the size of the search popup window under Chrome. Fixed missing translation string from statistics screens for conversions. Fixed issue preventing contract campaigns to reach their daily target when TZ had a negative offset. Fixed a problem with “Export Statistics to Excel” not working on some platforms. Fixed a problem with VideoAds VAST events not properly being logged on Postgres, as the required pl/pgsql function wasn’t created during install. Fixed potential timeouts or memory limit issues when displaying the audit log index. Version 3.2.0 introduces one non-backwards compatible change: The signatures of bannerTypeHtml/Text’s preprocessForm() and processForm() methods has been updated to what was actually used when invoking them. Albeit unlikely, this might clash with the definition used in some custom plugins. The full list of changes included in version 3.2.0 can be reviewed on the project’s Github pages. Download, install and upgrade Revive Adserver v3.2.0 is available for download now. Once downloaded, please refer to the instructions for Installations of Revive Adserver or for Upgrading Revive Adserver. Make sure that the server(s) being used meet(s) the minimum technical requirements. View the full article
  19. The Revive Adserver project team is proud to announce the availability of a Beta release of the Revive Adserver software. We’re asking members of the community to help us test this beta release of version 3.2.0, with focus on the following topics: Asynchronous Javascript tags We’re very proud to finally be able to offer support for Asynchronous Javascript tags. In short, these tags work in such a way that any delay in the adserver itself, will no longer cause a delay in the rendering of the webpage on which the tags are placed. The new Asynchronous tags can be generated just as easily as before, by going to the Invocation Code tab of any zone. A new type of code will be presented when running the v3.2.0 beta: Creating invocation code for the new Asynchronous JS tags We’ve tested the asynchronous tags in a variety of scenarios, but we might have missed a few. We’d like to ask the menbers of the community to test their banners with existing third party ad tags in combination with the new async tags. Do the third party ads work correctly when served via Revive Adserver onto a webpage? Likewise, we’d like to ask you to verify if the asynchronous tags, when trafficked into a third party ad server down the line, work correctly. Language and translations A lot of work went into a clean-up of the English language files of the product. At the same time, we’ve started a large scale translation project (see the recent blog post Translations for Revive Adserver). It is not unlikely that one or more or the English text lines have unknowingly been removed, but are still ‘in use’. You would recognize this from a strange looking ‘placeholder’ text instead of the actual text you used to see in a screen, a field label, an explanation, a mouse-over, or anywhere else in the user interface.At the same time, a translator may have accidentally introduced something in a translation that breaks the user interface (for example, a line break was introduced or a special character that is not properly displayed). Delivery of contract campaigns Version 3.1 (released in December 2014) introduced a set of fixes related to the correct and full delivery of contract campaigns. In this version 3.2.0-beta, we’ve fine-tuned this code even more to take better care of situations where the ad server is running in time zones with a positive offset from UTC. We thank community member Victor (Rhapsodyv) for this contribution to the project. We would like to ask members of the community to test delivery of contract campaigns. Of course, we would welcome any feedback on any of the other changes, improvements and fixes as detailed in the release notes below. How to test this beta release? Version 3.2.0-beta can now be downloaded and tested by the community. The purpose of the beta testing phase is to allow users and developers to thoroughly test the new version before it will be released as a stable version. If the beta testing phase proceeds according to plan, we intend to publish the official version 3.2.0 two weeks after the beta release. We recommend that users do not upgrade their existing ad server installations if it is mission critical, or if they are uncertain about their abilities to deal with bugs, upgrade issues, or other unexpected problems. Please make sure to study the release notes below, including the notes on non-backwards compatible changes. What’s New in Revive Adserver version 3.2.0-beta? Version 3.2.0-beta of Revive Adserver does not include any security updates. We have included the following new features and improvements: Added new Javascript based asynchronous tags. Added new help dialogue for companion positioning option. Integrated (most) translations with Crowdin. Added plugin hooks to the VAST events in the VideoAds plugin. Added preliminary support for PHP7. Version 3.2.0-beta introduces a number of non-backwards compatible changes: Fixed issue with interstitial images (e.g. close.gif) always using http:// even when the request came via https. Fixed issue with interstitial layers showing even when no matching banner was found, since the introduction of blank logging. Fixed issue that prevented the error message screen to be displayed when trying to install or run Revive Adserver with some required functions disabled via php.ini. Fixed issue causing campaign revenue to be improperly parsed when using a number format different than nnnn.nn. Fixed a problem with the destination URL not being available for new overlay video ads, and potentially other HTML-based custom banner types. Fixed the size of the search popup window under Chrome. Fixed missing translation string from statistics screens for conversions. Fixed issue preventing contract campaigns to reach their daily target when TZ had a negative offset. Fixed a problem with “Export Statistics to Excel” not working on some platforms. Version 3.2.0-beta introduces a number of non-backwards compatible changes: The signatures of bannerTypeHtml/Text’s preprocessForm() and processForm() methods has been updated to what was actually used when invoking them. Albeit unlikely, this might clash with the definition used in some custom plugins. The full list of changes included in version 3.2.0-beta can be reviewed on the project’s Github pages. Download, install and upgrade Revive Adserver v3.2.0 Beta is now available for download. Once downloaded, please refer to the instructions for Installations of Revive Adserver or for Upgrading Revive Adserver. Make sure that the server(s) being used meet the minimum technical requirements. View the full article
  20. Contribute to an open source project, help translate Revive Adserver to your own language Revive Adserver is free, open source software, making it accessible to many people. But so far, the focus has been mostly on producing an English language version. We know that the software is being used in many different countries by people speaking many different languages. We want to make Revive Adserver accessible to non-English speakers too. Being a community project, we want to ask for contributions from the community. We’re looking for people who can read English well, and are able to translate the texts in Revive Adserver into their own native language. We’re inviting users who would like to participate and contribute, to join the Revive Adserver translation project at Crowedin. Several languages that we’ve identified are already listed there, and other language can be added if an translator comes forward. Just click the Sign Up button at the top right of the Crowdin website and create an account. It’s free to open an account, and it doesn’t create any obligations. Once you’re logged in, go the languages overview or the translation project and click on the flag of the language you want to translate. From there, it’s simple and the Crowdin tool will even help you with suggested translations. Everyone contributing to the translations will get a special mention on the Translations page of the project website as soon as the next release of the software is available. This is the ideal opportunity to contribute to an open source project, even if you’re not a programmer. It would be great to have at least 2 translators per language, so community members can help each other and proofread the translations offered by their colleagues. We look forward to seeing the community come together to help translate Revive Adserver, so that non-English speaking users can get the most benefit from our software. View the full article
  21. The Revive Adserver Project Team is proud to announce the release of a new version of the popular free open source ad server system Revive Adserver. Revive Adserver 3.1.0 has several new features and enhancements, and also includes two security fixes. For users who are not yet ready to upgrade to version 3.1.0, we have also released version 3.0.6, with just the two security fixes. Please read the paragraph below in this blog post to learn more about these security fixes. Please also note that Revive Adserver 3.1.0 requires at least PHP 5.3.0; older versions of PHP will no longer be supported in future releases of Revive Adserver. Please make sure to study the release notes below, including the notes on non-backwards compatible changes. What’s New in Revive Adserver version 3.1.0? Version 3.1.0 of Revive Adserver includes two important security fixes. More details can be found in the paragraph on security below. We have developed the following new features and improvements: Blank impressions are now logged and taken into account during prioritization. This should allow using zones without remnant campaigns, which was previously discouraged. Blank impressions are also counted in the “Global History” and “Website & Zones” statistic screens and separately displayed in the “Campaign distribution” tab for websites and zones. The “Contract (Exclusive)” campaign type has been re-named to “Override”. Added the ability to intentionally attempt to over deliver Contract campaigns by a given percentage of impressions against the predicted “ideal” to help ensure that Contract campaigns always meet their contracted delivery by their end date. The Revive Adserver delivery engine now includes a completely inclusive CORS header (i.e. ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *’). The domain used for the viewerId cookie is now configurable. The “My Account” main menu has been re-named to “Preferences” for clarity. The quick navigation dropdown lists for advertisers/campaigns and websites is now sorted alphabetically. The “midnight sync” process that checks for updates to Revive Adserver is now the very last thing to happen in the overall maintenance process. The new version also includes the following bug fixes: Fixed a problem with timezones not being taken into account when running the zone allocation algorithm during maintenance. This resulted in underdelivery if the account timezone had a positive offset from UTC, and potentially some overdelivery otherwise. Fixed the editing of campaigns when conversion tracking is disabled. Fixed the preview of all banners on the “Banners” page user interface preference. Fixed incorrectly displayed error message when trying to link a banner to an email zone where the banner’s parent campaign dates overlap with an already linked campaign. Fixed incorrectly displayed message stating that a link has been created when trying to link an email zone to a banner where the banner’s parent campaign dates overlap with an already linked campaign. VAST tracking URLs now use https:// when called via SSL. Removed useless Content-Length headers when sending the 1×1 transparent gif and spc delivery files, as the header interferes with ob_gzhandler and/or zlib.output_compression. Fixed issue with banner delivery over SSL when using Postgres. Fixed click redirection to internationalized domain names when the IDN functions are available (PHP 5.3+). Properly display the current value in the UI when settings contain an underscore in their name. Properly display ‘Site – Variable’ delivery limitations when the value is set to zero (i.e. ‘0’). Fixed product name and removed bad documentation link on installer pre-check warning page. Allow Revive Adserver to be installed on Debian Wheezy PHP versions that have had a critical PHP bugfix backported. Fixed an issue with old creative file being deleted although still in use when a banner image file was replaced. Fixed use of custom application name in the generation of zone invocation tags; made the use of this consistent across tracker beacons and SPC tags as well, and removed all incorrect code relating to a non-existent user preference. Added compatibility for systems affected by PHP bug #53829, i.e. having gzopen64 rather than gzopen. Version 3.1.0 introduces a number of non-backwards compatible changes: Revive Adserver 3.1.0+ now requires PHP 5.3+ HTML banners no longer present URL and Target fields in the user interface unless editing an existing HTML banner where one of these fields is present; the URL(s) and target(s) should be set as part of the HTML banner. A number of database table columns are removed as part of the upgrade process for Revive Adserver 3.1.0, as they were deprecated with the removal of the OpenX Market in version 3.0.0. Please ensure that you back up your Revive Adserver database before upgrading to 3.1.0. Existing accounts with the name “Default manager” will be updated to “Default Account” to ensure the account name is consistent with updated language files. Similarly, existing accounts with the name “Administrator account” will be updated to “System Administrator”. Activation/deactivation emails and scheduled reports are now disabled by default when creating new advertisers via the API, in order to match the UI behaviour. This does not affect any existing advertiser account settings for this feature; but please be aware that the default for all new advertiser accounts has been changed. The adRender hook function signature was missing the $richMedia argument before $loc and $referer. Please make sure you double check your custom plugins in case they use such hook. The full list of changes included in version 3.1.0 can be reviewed on the project’s Github pages Download, install and upgrade Revive Adserver v3.1.0 is now available for download. Once downloaded, please refer to the instructions for Installations of Revive Adserver or for Upgrading Revive Adserver. Make sure that the server(s) being used meet the minimum technical requirements. Security fixes in Revive Adserver version 3.0.6 and version 3.1.0 Versions 3.0.6 and 3.1.0 of Revive Adserver address two moderate security issues, one of which was reported to us by security researchers at HTBridge. As usual, we recommend that users upgrade to the most recent version 3.1.0 of Revive Adserver as soon as possible. This also includes any user running any version of OpenX Source or older versions of the application, which may also be vulnerable. For users who are not yet ready to upgrade to version 3.1.0, we have created version 3.0.6, which is functionally identical to version 3.0.5 but does contain the two security fixes. Please review our Security Advisory for the details. View the full article
  22. See http://documentation.revive-adserver.com
  23. Celebrating the first anniversary of the unveiling of the Revive Adserver project, there is another number we want to share with you. Active Revive Adserver instances on September 13, 2014 Exactly one year after we launched the project, we now count 4,657 active ad server installations. This graph shows that the growth of the community and the installed base continues at a steady pace. You may recall that the number of active instances was at 2,500 just 6 months ago. We’re very proud that our software has a large and growing user base, and we look forward to seeing how this will develop in the future. View the full article
  24. Today is the first anniversary of the release of Revive Adserver 3.0.0, which was released on the 13th of September 2013. Happy first birthday, Revive Adserver! Early in 2013, when I was given the opportunity to purchase the OpenX Source code base from OpenX, I went ahead with little more in mind than thinking that this was a chance to breathe some new life into an open source project that was close to me personally, given that I had worked it full time for five years from 2004 to 2009 as an employee of OpenX. I had no idea that over the course of the next 18 months or so: Matteo Beccati and Erik Geurts would join me on the Revive Adserver team; There would be six releases of Revive Adserver, incorporating 49 bug fixes, 13 new features and 4 security updates; Over 4,500 users would install and use Revive Adserver; That we’d get so many great ideas, bug reports and bug fixes from the community on GitHub; The community forums would see so much traffic, and that a community would start to form where users of Revive Adserver are helping each other out; and We’d start a process of completely re-writing the documentation for Revive Adserver. The last year since releasing Revive Adserver 3.0.0 really has completely exceeded every expectation that I had, given that all of this has come from a desire to simply allow the project to continue to exist in a way that is accessible to the community of users, rather than being tied up behind a company that has (completely understandably) moved on. So, to each and every one on of you – those who have downloaded and tried Revive Adserver for the first time, those of you who are long time OpenX Source users who have upgraded, those of you who submit (or fix!) bugs on GitHub, and those of you who ask and answer questions on the forums – thank you! It’s seeing what all of you are doing that gives us the motivation to keep the Revive Adserver project moving forwards. As for the coming year? We can’t wait to release Revive Adserver 3.1.0, and start a process of developing new features that we see the community is asking for. Given how much we’ve achieved in the first year, who knows where we will be in another year’s time? We hope that you’ll all be patient, and stick around for the journey. Sincerely, Andrew Hill View the full article
  25. You seem to have found some code from before the version 2.8 days. However, it's no longer available, and certainly not (and never has been) in e-mailed reports. Have a look at http://www.adserverplugins.com/openx/free-plugins-for-openx-ad-server/statistics-as-graphs/ (it's free!).
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