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Posts posted by andrewatfornax

  1. If that's something you need, then yes - Revive Adserver does not support a self-service approach for external advertisers. 

    However, please be cautious - I have seen a number of users complain about plugins that they have bought - buying plugins from an external supplier can be a great experience, or possibly a terrible one. Please do make sure you deal with someone reputable.

  2. On 9/13/2018 at 8:18 PM, sushant said:

    Can we change ads for a visitor using certain criteria like user interest, regional targeting ( targeting city) , history etc?

    I was trying to implement this ad campaign but what if we need to change the target website or call to action etc, then we have to edit the campaign, I want to make the ads more dynamic, how can we do that ?

    HELLO! (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)

    To answer your question - yes, you can do targeting of banners.

    Please see the documentation on banner delivery rules.

  3. I'm pretty sure that AJS, regular JS and iFrame all work just fine with HTTP and HTTPS.

    Apart from saying it's not working (and one comment about logging via HTTP when the initial call was via HTTPS), there's really not any details in the information above - no examples we can see, no screenshots, no error messages....

    Not much I can do to help at this stage as a result!

    However, maybe try: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Banners+Not+Delivering+over+SSL ?

  4. Hi @Alexander,

    If you are doing this as a custom development, I would probably avoid using the core migration system, as it will render your system unable to upgrade in the future - we're likely to want to re-use your migration numbers, and things will conflict.

    If you can, I'd also suggest that you don't add columns to the core tables - this may have a similar effect with rendering upgrades impossible.

    Better if you can create separate tables for your data, and join the data using the relevant IDs.

  5. Hi @Alexander,

    I have to admit I'm not 100% familiar with all the details of what happens at this stage - one of my colleagues usually does this.

    But from memory, I think that we are just packaging up some files (putting the plugins together into ZIPs, and merging delivery files together for efficiency), and then removing the files that went into those packages/merged files. 

    We also strip out code that's related to the test suite, as that's not needed in the end product.

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