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Posts posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Hi @ukescapee,

    Based on what you are describing, that sounds like a valid solution.


    Another solution would be to ensure that the targeted banners are in exclusive campaigns, but the default banner is in a remnant campaign.


    Also, another other solution would be to put all your geo-targeted banners into one zone, and the default banner into a second zone, and the zone-chain the two zones.

    That way, if a user visits from a country that has a banner which can be shown in the first zone (full of banners that are targeted to specific countries), then they will see the banner for their country.

    However, as all the banners in the first zone are targeted, if they are not from any of the countries listed, then no banner will be able to be shown - and then it will chain through to the second zone, and they will see the default banner there.


    Either way, this would save you from having to target the default banner to only deliver when users are NOT from the target countries.

  2. Hi @VesperDev,

    Thanks for this. Based on what you have put above (the Image Tag), I cannot see how you are seeing a different URL when you inspect the click URL in Chrome. If you are still seeing something different, I'd suggest putting the Image Tag into an otherwise empty HTML page, and looking at it there. If that's still showing a different click URL from the tag, please share this as example, because I don't see how this would be true.

    In terms of the "redirect" not working in your app, I guess that is something you will need to debug - we don't have enough information to know how your app handles the click URL when clicked.

  3. Hi @ukescapee,

    12 hours ago, ukescapee said:

    Say I create two banners (Ad1 and Ad2) for one zone. Ad1 is instructed to appear only to UK visitors. Ad2 is not given any geo instructions at all.

    Will Ad2 appear (rotate) along with Ad1 for UK visitors?  I asked another revive user this question and got this answer, "Yes although you may seer Ad 1 appear slightly more as there is a Declared association" - which isn't ideal for me if correct. Is he correct?

    For UK visitors, yes, both Ad1 and Ad2 will be shown, as there is no delivery rule associated with Ad1 or Ad2 that prevents the banners from displaying.

    It is not the case that Ad1 will be shown more often as a result of its delivery rule. All that delivery rules do is effectively decide which banners from the total possible set of banners that could be shown need to be removed from that set. Once that is done, you have a set of banners which can be shown - and the normal priority selection mechanisms apply.

    You can read more here: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Banner+Selection+Mechanism

  4. Hi @JMKL,

    Not at all - Revive Adserver supports both inline and overlay video ads out of the box:



    The above thread was about the video player that is embedded in the page that the user will view. Revive Adserver does not provide such a player - just the capability to deliver video banners. The player used then needs to support the display of banners, using VAST 1.0, which is what Revive Adserver uses.

  5. Hi @remy_php,

    I can confirm that Revive Adserver does not currently support VAST 2.0 natively, and therefore, a plugin will be required for this.

    However, the core Revive Adserver team will not specifically recommend any one 3rd party plugin provider over another - please speak with those providers that you feel meet your requirements, and evaluate their offering carefully as you would with any other purchasing decision.



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