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Posts posted by andrewatfornax

  1. Hi @alicia33,

    On 5/24/2019 at 2:28 PM, alicia33 said:

    I generated invocation codes but unsure how to check if my code is actually able to track impressions and clicks.

    Probably the easiest thing to do would be to put the invocation tags somewhere, and test out if the impressions and clicks are being tracked.

    If it's not working, then you can go from there and work through some of our troubleshooting guides!

  2. Hi @midler,

    Unfortunately, I don't have an Android phone, but even if I did, without some more information, I wouldn't be able to confirm if it's a bug or not, as you don't actually provide links to somewhere where we could test the issue to see if it happens for us.

    Do you still have the issue? If so, maybe setting up a test scenario that can be used to evaluate what's going on would be a good starting point.


  3. Yes, that is indeed the case - if you use a *x* zone, then any banner of any size will be able to be displayed. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is - if you want to be able to fall back from a zone of one size to another size, well, the assumption is that any size is okay...

    The only way around this would be to use *x* zones, but separate out your banners by sizes into different campaigns, or use other Delivery Rule options to control where banners are displayed.

    There are some API options that can be used to obtain information about what zones have banners linked or not, but this is for management, rather than delivery. In the delivery service, no, there is no current option to "ping" the zone to find out if it would deliver a banner or not.

  4. This sounds like you are either not correctly specifying the location of your old installation during the upgrade, or, if you are, the webserver does not have permission to access the old installation directory and files. (During the upgrade, access to the old installation is needed to bring across various files/settings.)

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