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Everything posted by Adservermods

  1. During revive installation, sometimes plugins are not installed properly. You can manually install the revive plugins at the admin section. Follow the below steps to manually install the plugins. Login as administration account in revive adserver and switch to administrator account, then click on plugins tab. Here manually select the plugin files(main_folder/etc/plugins) in browse button and click install button to complete the installation.
  2. The link that you are shared in "http://clip2net.com/s/3g107Yi" is admin panel. Here we can able to see the advertiser, campaigns & banners. But the link you are shared in "http://clip2net.com/s/3g0ZiCf "is publisher panel. By default we don't have permission to see the advertisers inventory details. "http://clip2net.com/s/3g11nwB" in this page, we can able to see the linked banners details with your zones. These are default functionality followed in revive adserver.
  3. By default revive didn't have this feature. We have to write some custom code to achieve this functionality.
  4. Yes, you are correct. Below mentioned details have to update in your revive adserver. main_folder/var/default.conf.php => Here, you have to change the "realConfig=localhost" main_folder/var/domain_name.conf.php => Here you need to change the old path related details to new path.
  5. Have to change the below mentioned changes in your revive adserver. main_folder/var/default.conf.php => Here, you have to change the "realConfig=localhost" main_folder/var/domain_name.conf.php => Here you need to change the old path related details to new path.
  6. It would be possible for a user to click on an ad a few times and repeatedly visit your site, but the web platform could count this as one visit. Ad Servers report clicks that result in a redirect to a web page. There is no guarantee that the visitor makes it to the webpage or isn’t further redirected. Please refer this url: http://blog.3di.com.au/site-advertising/why-do-adserver-and-web-analytics-stats-differ-so-much
  7. Make sure that your have changed the revive language in preferences settings. FYI: Only revive UI labels are got updated to selecting language. Values fetching from the DB is not getting update to Russian.
  8. Make sure that you are passing the exact parameter in the destination URL. Example: http://example.com?zoneid={zoneid}
  9. Replace the below code in the following file path : /lib/OA.php. Replace "function getInsatanceByName($name) {" instead of "public static function getInsatanceByName($name) {".
  10. Revive 3.1.0 don't have inbuilt destination url option for "Generic HTML ads", if required you can do the custom URL added to the HTML ads.
  11. No API exists in the XMLRPCV2 or in REST API to fetch the campaigns associated to a Zone. The custom API can be created to achieve this functionality.
  12. To geoipCountryLocation file(.dat file) that you configured should have read and write permission(777), you can assign the appropriate permission and clear the cache.
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