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Adserver Stopped Logging Statistics

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Hello Revive Adserver Community,

I am trying to figure out why my community edition of the revive adserver stopped logging the statistics for the banners. 

Here is what I have found out thus far. 

The Cron job is running without any errors being entered into /var/logs/cron. If I manually run the maintenance.php script, I get an output of  #!/usr/bin/php -q (not sure what that means).

Looking in the debug log, I found that the script for maintenance is running, but this line was odd: - Updating the data_summary_ad_hourly table for data after 2016-03-20 15:00:00 UTC. Ironically, that's the day the statistics stopped.

I did check into the database and found I had to repair data_bkt_m and thus I did that via phpmyadmin.

I am at a stumbling block as I can't seem to figure out why it wont' log any statistics. 

Any help is appreciated. 


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Just a quick update to this, as I am trying to figure an answer on my own. 

Per the documentation,

I ran the mysql command SELECT * FROM rv_data_bkt_m; and it returned the data as it suggested in the documentation. The last interval start was for today's date. So that means the logging is working, I think.

Then, I went to check on the maintenance script. The log, as per the documentation, indicated the script last ran on March the 20th. I had the setting checked to run the script. 

I verified the script was in the right directory, as it was. I tried to manually run the script by opening the maintenance.php file, however, it didn't load anything. I set the script to run via cron now, however I am not seeing any stats come in. I set the scrip to run per minute.

Any insight? 

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I just wanted to post an update to this as I have solved it.

The problem was a correct database. I used phpmyadmin to check all of the Revive tables. Turns out the tables rv_data_bkt_r and rv_data_summary_ad_hourly were corrupt. I simply checked those tables and repaired them. All of the stats returned as they should, and it even corrected the missing data from the previous days.

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