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Matteo Beccati

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Everything posted by Matteo Beccati

  1. Sorry, I must have missed that. The browser trick requires that you don't move your mouse pointer after clicking the adsense ad for the amount of time it takes for the detection to happen. Actually if you click on any link and quickly move your pointer over an adsense ad, you might get that counted as a click Pretty fragile if you ask me, but when I've impemented it it was the best option available and it was what I had been askled to do. As of now, I don't think there are better options and that's why I think that "nothing" is better that "something very much unreliable".
  2. Try restarting your webserver. Also, try to put your phpinfo page inside revive/www/admin/ and you might notice that safe mode isn't actually disabled
  3. There's some built in pruning functionality, but I know for sure it has some limitations. We could improve on that, but sometimes deleting "old statistics" might lead to some problems, like old campaigns with a certain number of booked imps/clicks being re-activated because the system thinks they haven't reached the target.
  4. There's no hardcoded limit that I'm aware of, maybe you're hitting some time limit?
  5. Are you sure you are creating the Website/Publisher for the currently selected Manager/Agency? I'm asking as I haven't noticed such problem with the API with Revive.
  6. The Adsense altering feature was built way before "async-code" was available so I'm not surprised it isn't working. Try the non-asyinc version instead. Google doesn't allow user friendly 3rd-party click tracking, so the feature is based on a browser hack and won't ever be accurate. My personal opinion is that it should actually be removed from Revive Adserver.
  7. Step: Download a fresh copy of Revive Adserver 3.0.2 Unzip it on your PC/Mac Go to the plugins page Click "Browse" When the file section window pops up go to the folder where you unpacked Revive, then etc/plugins Select the first one Click "Install" Repeat until you've installed all of them
  8. Thanks for the report. Would you mind creating a pull request on github, or at least an issue there so this isn't lost?
  9. Is it still happening? The only thing that comes to mind is that you have the wrong sync URL in the conf file and you're still hitting sync.openx.org
  10. you need to put the host name as the script argument e.g. php .../scripts/maintenance/maintenance.php your.adserver.com
  11. We are aware of that and we're sorry documentation is not online yet. Most of the old docs would need to be rewritten, but for now you should be able to access them via the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.openx.com/docs/2.8/*
  12. Anything in the error log and/or Revive's var/*.log files?
  13. I think I've seen the problem in "1." when a client was using su-php. The error log will surely tell you more about the errors. 2. no it's not possible (yet?). Only the admin/manager can do that 3. I believe flowplayer still supports VAST1 within their own paid plugin (can't remember the name) 4. No. A commercial plugin for VAST2 support is available from adserverplugins.com
  14. deliverycache_* are the ones used by the delivery engine. By default the cache lifetime is 20m so if your problem isn't solved by now, then the issue is not caching (unless the files are not writable). What type of invocation code are you using?
  15. Have a look at var/debug.log and/or var/install.log to see what the problem with the database filelds is.
  16. Have a look at the webserver error log, maybe you'll be able to discover where the 403 comes from.
  17. This seems like a weird request, but have a look here: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/blob/master/plugins_repo/openXDeliveryLog/plugins/deliveryLog/oxLogImpression/logImpression.delivery.php and here: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/blob/master/lib/OA/Dal/Delivery/mysql.php#L165 in order to have an idea about the way imps/clicks are logged to the database.
  18. Revive Adserver only supports VAST1. At AdserverPlugins.com we have a plugin that can do VAST2 pre/mid/post-rolls.
  19. Try to reinstall Revive Adserver from scratch now that you've fixed your php configuration.
  20. Please see this writeup from Erik: http://www.openxconsultant.com/blog/2008/09/single-page-call-makes-site-load-faster/ It was written a long time ago for OpenX Source, but of course it still applies to Revive Adserver.
  21. Revive Adserver is platform independent, the OS doesn't matter. There must be a problem somewhere in your Apache/PHP/MySQL configuration, or somewhere else on the server.
  22. What you're looking for is not IAB VAST compliant video ads provided by the bundled plugin, as they are more like what you see on YouTube: commercials before/after actual content videos and overlays. That's also what our VidiX plugin is about. What you're looking for is a regular banner that shows a video, which is something we can also provide by means of the In-Banner Video Ads plugin. Otherwise, a quick (and free) solution would be to put your HTML5 video code in a regular HTML banner and serve it on the website like any other banner.
  23. How about setting an exotic banner size for your banners and zones, like 1024x60? Javascript invocation won't enforce it anyway.
  24. It's the conf file in the old OpenX installation that you're looking for.
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