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Plugins reinstall, no stats.




How did you re installed the plugins? Because I had the same PB. I thought I had re install correctly but NOT.


Tell mi how you did.


I am continuing to have the same problem -- no statistics generated -- since upgrading to 3.0.3.  I reinstalled all plugins in the following manner:


1. Disabled all plugins via the Admin Panel.

2. Uninstalled all plugins via the same panel.

3. FTP'd to the webserver and deleted all plugin folders.

4. Via the Admin Panel in Revive, I reinstalled all plugins by browsing to the /etc directory and selecting each zip file. (I used the new download for Revive 3.0.3. to ensure I had the latest plugin versions.)

5. Set my config file to chmod 777 and checked all settings. Did not change any settings. All looked good. So, I re-set the permissions on the config file (in the /var directory) to 644.


Waited 1 hour. Still no new statistics.


This problem first happened after the upgrade to the latest Revive version. The upgrade was done by following up the upgrade instructions.


Thank you Snoork Hosting for the response. I meant to write that there are no NEW statistics. The previous statistics remained frozen at the same numbers that existed at the same time as the upgrade occurred.


I resolved mine by doing the following:


1. Locate the RV.php file. It should be at /lib directory of your revive installation.

2. Edit line 13 as follows: Change the line from this -- "require_once RV_PATH . '/lib/pear/PEAR.php';" to this, instead: require_once 'fully_qualified_server_path/adservername/lib/pear/PEAR.php'; ("fully_qualified_server_path" would be your host or webserver path. "adservername" is the name of your directory where revive 3.0.3. is installed, typically something like "revive.")


Also check that your maintenance scripts are chmod'd to at least 755. I set mine to 777 for now, but am experimenting with lowering them back to 755.


Hi, guys!

Please, can you write concreate what maintenance scripts should have 755 (or 777)?  I still have this problem, some statistics  appeared after benwington instructions , but it doesn't update more.

According my log file maintenance runs regularly without any errors.




Thanks a lot   and, please,  can you detail in what scripts should I change permission in the first place, in "scripts/maitenance/..", "maintenance/"  or in "www/admin/..." directories.

I am sorry for my details, but I simply want to know my mistakes and why I still can't see normal statistics.


Thanks for your help 


Glad my solution (workaround) is successful. The directory at /adserver/maintenance (replace "adserver" with the name of your top-level revive directory), should be at least 755.  (However, I set mine at 777 during testing to verify no issues with permissions.)


Also, the directory at /adserver/scripts/maintenance should be at least 755.


That should do it, and allow maintenance to run, which in turn affects statistics. 


Could someone of the stuff please explain why bugs like this are getting closed on Github?





Oh, i forgot, since the staff wasn't online for a couple of days, it seems they don't care what's going over here and what we say, think and post. Instead they are closing Github Issues and say we should post in the forum. Ridiculous!


Agreed! This is truly a bug, and it should be treated as such over at Github! Let's report the bug a second time to the developers and see if they "get it" this time. If not, and they close it again, we'll re-open it.  If that fails, we can always let the world know that the support for the open source has degraded substantially since Version 3.0.3. and warn the public to be wary of further upgrades! One way to get developers to pay attention is to start letting the world know that they are NOT paying attention to their customers.


The change of the RV.php file also resolved my issue to since the upgrade to 3.0.3.  The system then pulled numbers and they then displayed on the page.  I performed the chmod 755 -R scripts folder under the adserver, waiting to see if this resolves the maintainance issue.


Benwinton suggestion fixed my new install also. I only edited RV.php and corrected the path with the fully_qualified_server_path.

For me no need to chmod anything.



I resolved mine by doing the following:


1. Locate the RV.php file. It should be at /lib directory of your revive installation.

2. Edit line 13 as follows: Change the line from this -- "require_once RV_PATH . '/lib/pear/PEAR.php';" to this, instead: require_once 'fully_qualified_server_path/adservername/lib/pear/PEAR.php'; ("fully_qualified_server_path" would be your host or webserver path. "adservername" is the name of your directory where revive 3.0.3. is installed, typically something like "revive.")


Also check that your maintenance scripts are chmod'd to at least 755. I set mine to 777 for now, but am experimenting with lowering them back to 755.



Hello to all!


I installed newest version of Adserver last week and guess what - there is no statistics. I mean, it is incredible to launch a product, to market it as complete and useful while crucial part of its functions are not working. And it is even worse not to do anything about it. 


I'm not very good with php and I do not know how to edit rv.php. I have done everything you guys mentioned, but after I change path all my pages are just blank. 


This is extremely frustrating situation, even more knowing that noone from the management team care at all for launching incomplete and defective product. Every serious company or project would instantly release an update... but this s*ck*.


Can anyone help me with this? I can give you my access datas so you can edit files you need. 


Thanks in advance.

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