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Errors On Plugin Installation

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On the last step of the installation, every plugin installation fails, then the result is this large list of errors. Details on the install.log file are:


#! openXBannerTypes(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXBannerTypes.xml
#! openXBannerTypes(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXBannerTypes(): The uploaded file openXBannerTypes.zip was not unpacked
#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLimitations.xml
#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): The uploaded file openXDeliveryLimitations.zip was not unpacked
#! openX3rdPartyServers(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openX3rdPartyServers.xml
#! openX3rdPartyServers(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openX3rdPartyServers(): The uploaded file openX3rdPartyServers.zip was not unpacked
#! openXReports(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXReports.xml
#! openXReports(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXReports(): The uploaded file openXReports.zip was not unpacked
#! openXDeliveryCacheStore(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXDeliveryCacheStore.xml
#! openXDeliveryCacheStore(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXDeliveryCacheStore(): The uploaded file openXDeliveryCacheStore.zip was not unpacked
#! openXMaxMindGeoIP(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXMaxMindGeoIP.xml
#! openXMaxMindGeoIP(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXMaxMindGeoIP(): The uploaded file openXMaxMindGeoIP.zip was not unpacked
#! openXInvocationTags(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXInvocationTags.xml
#! openXInvocationTags(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXInvocationTags(): The uploaded file openXInvocationTags.zip was not unpacked
#! openXDeliveryLog(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLog.xml
#! openXDeliveryLog(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXDeliveryLog(): The uploaded file openXDeliveryLog.zip was not unpacked
#! openXVideoAds(): Error extracting plugin definition file: write_error : plugins/etc/openXVideoAds.xml
#! openXVideoAds(): The uploaded file did not pass security check
#! openXVideoAds(): The uploaded file openXVideoAds.zip was not unpacked



As I mentioned on another post, the installation didn't give instructions on folder permissions, but I changed some folders to 777 (details on my other post) but that didn't help.
Does someone know what am I doing wrong?
Thank You!
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Yes, I've checked the folder permissions. I have re-installed today, and take note of all the steps:


First I've downloaded the tar.gz version from this website, decompressed the file on a local folder (I'm running Win7 x64, using 7-Zip). Then uploaded all the files and directories using FileZilla. Once uploaded, Open the browser and go to the URL where the uploaded files are. This redirects me to the installation, and this are the steps:


1. Welcome -- install.php?action=welcome

This screen has only terms and conditions

After pressing the "agree" button, a popup shows with the text "Checking system parameters". I suppose this is where the folder permissions are checked? It doesn't mention the permissions/chmod requirements.


2. Database -- install.php?action=database

Only a form where I input all the database settings.

At this moment, before continuing, I switch to FileZilla and do chmod (777) to all the folders (and sub-folders)


Then go to next step, a popup says "Installing database"
3. Configuration -- install.php?action=configuration
This is where I enter the username/password for the admin, timezone, etc.
Next a popup says "Configuring Revive adserver", then the text changes to "Installing Revive Adserver Plugin: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", each plugin installation ends with a "failed installation" status.
4. Finish
On this screen, there is a warning regarding the failed installation plugins. It tells something about write permissions, but again, I've double checked the folder permissions (refreshed the directory listing on FileZilla, and the 777 are there).
If I login I can use the admin panel. I add a advertiser > campaign > banner, then a website > zone.
So when I go to the invocation code for a zone, nothing appears more than a "Please choose the type of banner invocation" text, and a select box with no options. I don't know if this issue is related to the installation errors.
So my questions are:
1- Where should appear the instruction about required folder permissions?
2- Why the plugin installation fails?
3- The plugins that are supposed to get installed at this moment are bundled with Revive inside the tar.gz and ready to install?
4- Does Revive need those plugins to work well (the basic functionality to show a banner on a website).
5- Is the empty select on the zone's invocation code issue related to the installation problems?
Thank You!
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1.While setp 2 of installation process


2. I have installed new revive & everything working fine .Please review http://forum.revive-adserver.com/topic/7-upgrading-to-30-where-are-the-plugin-downloads-at/


3.yes , you can find & try to install manually


4.Yes , Plugins are important


5.Yes , Invocation Tags are depends on plugins

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Chinnu G, thank for your response.


I think I might have information about the cause of this error. On the plugins section, I tried to install any of the plugin's zip files, and plugin-index.php throws this php error (the root path is masked with asterisks, the installation folder is ads, on the root folder):

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Locale/Data/Translation.php' (include_path='/**********/ads/lib/pear:/**********/ads/lib:/opt/haiti/servers/apache/share/pear/:.') in /**********/ads/lib/Zend/Locale.php on line 266

I checked and Translation.php does exist. Could it be a php.ini configuration? It's weird because /lib is listed on include_path


Any clues?


Again, thank you for the time you spend helping me :)

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  • 6 months later...



1.While setp 2 of installation process


2. I have installed new revive & everything working fine .Please review http://forum.revive-adserver.com/topic/7-upgrading-to-30-where-are-the-plugin-downloads-at/


3.yes , you can find & try to install manually


4.Yes , Plugins are important


5.Yes , Invocation Tags are depends on plugins


I have a question.. My plugins aren't installing either... everything is fine, but I don't have any plugins installed.. The plugins in the etc. file on the server..


Here are my questions to you: 


1. What should be the permissions for this directory and it's files?

2. Should they remain zipped or should they be unzipped before upload? 


They are in the server.. They are zipped currently.. I do not understand why they did not install. This is driving me crazy, as I need to launch this website ASAP. 

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