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Erik Geurts

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Posts posted by Erik Geurts

  1. Thanks for the screenshot. The campaign I see in there is supposed to be "in progress" since the start date is in the past and there is no end date.

    As such, the campaign is eligible to get served. However, you might have other campaigns linked to the same zone(s) that take priority over these remnant campaigns and thus push them out. Hard to say from a distance.

  2. This error message is not related to Revive Adserver but rather to some DNS issues. I would suggest clearing your browser cache and trying again. Also, make sure that you're connecting to a DNS server that actually works. I suggest googling "net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".

  3. Revive Adserver supports the creation of HTML banners, in which you can paste snippets of HTML code. As of Revive Adserver v4, these can be as large as 16 MB (see https://www.revive-adserver.com/blog/revive-adserver-v4-0-0-released/). This was done to support those Flash banners that are being converted to HTML5 using tools like Swiffy. I hope nobody will ever make a 16 MB banner ad, by the way, that's just plain ridiculous.

    HTML5 often consists of more than a long piece of HTML code (think CSS, JS and image files). There is no way yet to upload those supporting resources directly, but it is being consider for one of the future releases. You are more than welcome to contribute to that effort.

  4. The upgrade instructions are correct , if you follow them and if your server meets the requirements, the path to the old version will be displayed as a default.

    I will include a note in the instructions, though, to inform readers that it must be the absolute folder on the server (and also not a url). 

    Update: the upgrade instructions have been edited to include a note about the path.

  5. There is no downgrade, unfortunately. Your best bet is to go back to the backup you made before you started. Then do an upgrade manually, follow https://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/ for the steps to success.

    Don't use softalicicious or whatever it's called. 

    And while we're at it, please don't use those auto installers! Just follow the installation and upgrade instructions on our website and you will be fine.  

  6. Yes, there is a "hook" in the code that enables third party plugin developers to track statistics related to the "source" parameter in a zone's invocation code. The idea of being able to track statistics without having to make additional zones was exactly what this was designed for.

    In 2013, my company has actually developed a working plugin to demonstrate this functionality. It can record requests, impressions, clicks, by zone+banner+"source". It doesn't have a reporting feature yet, but the statistics are being stored in a dedicated table that can be analysed in MySQL. If you'd like to learn more and perhaps even work with us to further develop this, please feel free to contact me via our contact form.

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