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Erik Geurts

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Posts posted by Erik Geurts

  1. While Ian's note is correct, do be aware that this basically breaks the functionality to count statistics and thus leaves you with a useless installation.

    CTR is defined and calculated as clicks divided by impressions, expressed as a percentage. Revive Adserver will not calculate it as clicks divided by requests, so if that's what you want, you will have to modify the code (and break the warranty :) ).

    22 hours ago, gorman said:

    If I start using async tag in Revive Adserver v4

    By the way, async tags were present in Revive Adserver v3.2 as well.

  2. The lg.php call is used to count the impressions on your zones and under normal circumstances of course also on the banners displayed via your zones.

    Are you leaving those zones "empty" on purpose or are you actually trying to figure out why they are empty?

    When the zone is empty, the ad server needs to log a 'blank' impression in order to have accurate statistics for forecasting.

    On a side note, I would like to recommend switching from SPC to the new async tags (well, new... they've been around for over 18 months now).

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