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I am in the process of moving Revive 3.0.4 to a new hosting server and upgrading to 4.0.0.; however, after moving all of the 3.0.4 files and the database over there are no longer any statistics when I try and generate reports.  I am not seeing any errors in the logs. The new server does have a newer version of PHP 5.6.  I haven't even started the upgrade process yet, this is still the 3.0.4 version.  Any suggestions would be appreciated. 



Yes, I created a cron job and I manually called the maintenance php file.  When I go to the Configuration/Maintenance page is see "Scheduled maintenance is running correctly.".  I would think that the old reports would still get generated by moving the files and database to the new server and updating the config file for the new server, without running the maintenance scripts.


You also can't see old statistics anymore ? Thats odd, Try logging in to Revive Adserver as admin user. Go to Configuration -> Maintenance. At Choose Action, use : "Rebuild menu cache".


Also on the server, try cleaning the following files (cache_*) in your "var/cache" folder. (cd var/cache && rm -rf cache_*)

P.S. Not too sure what you mean by "I would think that the old reports would still get generated by moving the files and database to the new server and updating the config file for the new server, without running the maintenance scripts".

I would advice to run maintenance locally, if you run Revive on a single server.


I followed your advise and nothing has changed. 

What I mean by older reports.  An Example, I run an  "Campaign Analysis Report" under Advanced Reports for a campaign to look at last months stats and the report displays no data.



I must be missing something when transferring everything from one server to the other.  I backup all files from the current server and upload them all to the new server.  Backup the database on the old server and upload it to the new server. I then modify the config file to reflect the changes for the new server.  I am able to login as the administrator.

Everything  in the Inventory looks correct.   The problem seems to be with the statistics.  I click on Statistics/Advertisers & Campaigns and select Last Month and it tells me no statistics.

I don't seem to be getting errors in the logs.  What database tables and php files can I  debug to find out the problem.



Neither log is showing problems.  Do you what tables are used to build the statistics and what php files are they constructed.  I think I need to write some code to determine where the mismatch is in gathering the data and displaying it. That way I can determine the differences on each server.

  • 2 months later...

I have the same proble upgrading 3.0.5 to 4.0.1

I have move to a new dedicated server with php 5.5.9

All upgrade process ok, but No show old statics.

New staticts since upgrade OK.

I have lookeat the database that I copied in the new installation, and I see the old statistics in the columns:

Rv_data_intermediate_ad = 194Mb

Rv_data_summary_ad_hourly = 167Mb




I'm having this same issue.  I followed all the steps on https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/No+Statistics.  I confirmed that `SELECT * FROM rv_data_bkt_m;` is returning recently logged events.  I confirmed that automated maintenance is running by checking Global Settings > Maintenance.  I also verified that the proper statistics columns are enabled on the user interface settings.  I also confirmed the debug.log file on my new server contains recent events.  My server switch happened on 2/22/17.  On my new server, the revive code was copied over. It's still using the same database server.  When I navigate to Preferences > User Log > Maintenance log, the most recent events are from before 2/22/17.  So the maintenance log report on my new server seems to be pulling it's information from the old server.  This issue also shows up on the Statistics page itself where if I filter by a date older than 2/22/17, I can see statistics, but everything after that is empty.  This behavior doesn't match up with the database query results or all the other configuration settings and debug.log file.

After the server switch, I updated my config file to the new web root.  Am I missing another configuration setting that would tell the Statistics and Maintenance log to pull from the new server instead of the old server???


Hi @wslymsgrv,

There's nothing obvious that I can think of. But just a thought - you say that your database is still the same, and you have just relocated the Revive Adserver to a new server.

The old server isn't still in place, is it - and still configured to work?

I just wonder if there's e.g. a timezone issue, and the old server is compiling the statistics, but at a different time, so that it's actually doing it before any data has been logged?


Hi @andrewatfornax,

The old server is still in place with access to the same database. However after the code moved to a new server, the DNS changes pointing to the IP address of the new server made the old server inaccessible from the web. So to the best of my knowledge, ads being served should only be executing the revive code on the new server, which is what the debug.log on the new server shows.

The old revive code that was running on the old server has a debug.log file that stopped being updated on 2/22/17 when the server switch happened. I thought that meant the old revive code was no longer being excecuted. If that is true then the automated maintenance task should no longer be invoked on the old server, since it's no longer serving ads.

Should I just delete all the old revive code just in case?

I cleared all the revive cache files on both servers and the new server is still only pulling statistics from before 2/22/17 despite what the debug.log file claims is happening. Also, ads are correctly being served on the web and in emails from the new server.


Hi @wslymsgrv,

Okay, it doesn't sound like the old server is causing an issue, in that case, but it wouldn't hurt to zip up the code on your old server, and then delete Revive Adserver, just in case.

I guess the next step, if you are seeing new stats being logged in the data_bkt_* tables is to confirm if the maintenance process is summarising them into the tables that the UI reads them from, so that we can decide if it's the maintenance process that is failing to summarise the stats, or the UI that is failing to read the stats.

Do you see new stats (i.e. after the cutover date) in the data_summary_ad_hourly table?



Hi @andrewatfornax,

It looks like the most recent record on `rv_data_summary_ad_hourly` is indeed from Feb 22.

SELECT * FROM `rv_data_summary_ad_hourly` ORDER BY `rv_data_summary_ad_hourly`.`date_time` DESC

2017-02-22 22:00:00

However this table has recent rows on it...like you had me look at before.

SELECT * FROM `rv_data_bkt_m` ORDER BY `rv_data_bkt_m`.`interval_start` DESC

2017-04-21 15:00:00

I don't know what other tables I should be looking at or what processes insert into these tables, so I'm open to any ideas you may have.



@andrewatfornax I ran mysqlcheck and got the following result.  Everything appears OK...

Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
revive_adserver.rv_accounts check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_account_preference_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_account_user_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_account_user_permission_asso... check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_acls check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_acls_channel check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_ad_category_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_ad_zone_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_affiliates check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_affiliates_extra check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_agency check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_application_variable check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_audit check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_banners check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_banner_vast_element check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_campaigns check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_campaigns_trackers check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_category check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_channel check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_clients check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_database_action check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_a check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_a_var check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_c check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_m check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_r check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_bkt_vast_e check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_intermediate_ad check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_intermediate_ad_connect... check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_intermediate_ad_variabl... check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_raw_ad_click check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_raw_ad_impression check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_raw_ad_request check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_raw_tracker_impression check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_raw_tracker_variable_va... check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_summary_ad_hourly check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_summary_channel_daily check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_data_summary_zone_impression... check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_images check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_log_maintenance_forecasting check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_log_maintenance_priority check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_log_maintenance_statistics check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_password_recovery check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_placement_zone_assoc check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_preferences check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_session check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_stats_vast check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_targetstats check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_trackers check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_tracker_append check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_upgrade_action check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_userlog check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_users check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_variables check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_variable_publisher check status OK
revive_adserver.rv_zones check status OK

Hi @wslymsgrv,

Okay, so, new stats are being recorded, there are no issues with the MySQL database tables, and the UI can read old stats.

The only option that is left is that maintenance isn't summarizing the stats from the raw bucket tables into the summary tables.

I have no idea why that wouldn't be happening, especially if maintenance is reporting that it is running.

Can you PM me, and see if I can get access to the server? I would like to understand this.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just want to follow up on this issue and say that I decided to upgrade Revive, thinking that maybe a fresh install would solve some of these issues.  While I was upgrading Revive from version 3.x to 4.0.2, I hit an issue with not being able to access the admin dashboard due to Varnish cache.  I jumped on a chat with Dreamhost about the limitations of their DreamPress product and found out that since it's a managed WordPress type thing, they don't allow any 3rd party tools or software to be installed in a subdirectory, which is why my statistics stopped reporting after the server switch.  Thankfully my old shared server is still accessible, so I plopped a new instance of Revive on there and the migration/upgrade process went swimmingly and now I'm back up serving ads as good as new.

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