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Dave Brain

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Everything posted by Dave Brain

  1. You need ton enable Geo targeting under this URL : http ://yourdomain/www/admin/account-settings-geotargeting.php . Here you need to select "OpenX maxmind flat file" .
  2. Yes you can . You should not link the companion campaign into other zone .This is the only way we have in revive now .
  3. Yes , revive build with lot languages . You can change the language under this URL .
  4. Contract campaign : This was working based on probability algorithm . For example if you set this campaign for , 90 impression and in the time for 1 month . then this campaign daily get views near to 30 impressions . So this was deliver based on probability because this need to deliver up to next 30 days. So only you have seen some times empty banners . Remnant campaign : This don't have any limitation on probability. So if you set 900 impressions then this should be deliver all impression and this will not keep backup impression fro remaining days. Contract Exclusive : This was more priority campaign . If zone have more than all the type of campaigns, then that zone first deliver all the impression from this campaign,once this campaign stopped or else completed the finished count then only campaign will be deliver in publisher page . If you still need any clarification let me know here.
  5. Yes you can . But you need to customize some section in www/delivery/ajs.php file . If you have some developing knowledge then you ca do that one .
  6. This the exact reason for this issue . You should need to enable in your php.ini file .
  7. Recent impression storing table : rv_data_bkt_m . Check this table first . Your debug log file look like having some problem. You have enable auto maintenance or else schedule maintenance?
  8. I am not sure what you mean by "session time, number of visits, device" . Our revive have lot of targeting under "banner-editing page --> Delivery limitation section" . If you couldn't see that any limitation on that section then that should be some problem in plugin section. Check that plugin under plugin tab, if that plugin not installed then you need to manually install from that page.
  9. Yes you can do that . Our Revive Adserver have feature for that one . While campaign creation/updating time you need to check "Companion positioning" under miscellaneous section . By using this ad deliver from one campaign on top zone and in bottom zone ads will show from same campaign. So you need to create that advertiser banners in to same campaign. Check and put your comment here. Let me know still need any clarification .
  10. Did you recelve any Permission warning message after login ? Also Did you check your var/debug.log file for any error was logged in that file ?
  11. We also eagerly waiting to give donation to this precious product . Eagerly waiting for donation link on this forum .
  12. HI Tony, This plugin already available in online at free of cost . You can able to download that plugin from this URL : http://www.reviveadserverplugin.com/product/google-geo-graph-plugin-for-revive-adserver-statistics/
  13. HI penpeng, This was just a small issue . The reason for this issue was your cache files . Delete your all cache files under "Yourrevive/var/cache" and "Yourrevive/var/template_compiled" folders . Check and put your comment here. I hope this should be fix your problem.
  14. This should be some kind banner set up issue only . There is lot of reason for raising like this kind of issue. read this mentioned link : http://www.adserveropenx.com/banners-some-times-not-deliver-in-publisher-page/ This should be fix all your issue . If you still problem put your comment here.
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