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Hello, I migrate all my old cpanel account to a new server. That account content Revive website. After migration I get only blank page. What can I do? I change the php version to the old php version when the website was build.

Please I need help because all activites stop.

Thank you


Hello thank you for your reply. 

I try many things according to the guide but nothing. 

Let me share this error log.

[06-Jun-2017 19:56:07 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::setFetchMode() in /public_html/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/Query.php:299
Stack trace:
#0 public_html/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/Query.php(273): DB_QueryTool_Query->connect(Object(MDB2_Error), Array)
#1 public_html/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/EasyJoin.php(71): DB_QueryTool_Query->__construct(Object(MDB2_Error), Array)
#2 public_html/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool.php(57): DB_QueryTool_EasyJoin->__construct(Object(MDB2_Error), Array)
#3 public_html/lib/max/Dal/Common.php(157): DB_QueryTool->__construct(Object(MDB2_Error))
#4 public_html/lib/max/Dal/Common.php(77): MAX_Dal_Common->_getQueryTool(Object(MDB2_Error))
#5 public_html/www/admin/lib-sessions.inc.php(91): MAX_Dal_Common->__construct()
#6 public_html/www/admin/lib-sessions.inc.php(222): phpAds_SessionStart()
#7 public_html/lib/OA/Admin/Template.php(123): phpAds_SessionGetToken()
#8 public_ht in /home/gaelson/public_html/lib/pear/DB/QueryTool/Query.php on line 299

May be it's the reason?




Sorry, but it's not really up to the community here to help you with your underlying server configuration and support. I appreciate that you're in a difficult place, and the error is appearing in Revive Adserver, but given that the issue started when you migrated your installation to a new server, then it's almost certainly an issue with the setup on the new server - a missing PHP module, an incorrect database configuration, or something.

There's many things that could be the issue - and I'd love to help you out, but I really can't spend my day running through everything that might be the issue. If possible, I would recommend that you roll back to your previous server, and then you have more time to experiment with the new server to figure out what the issue is. Otherwise, if you're not comfortable with your underlying server management, perhaps your hosting company will be able to better support you in your specific environment?

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