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Hi Addev,


I'm the author of that article, thanks for referring to it.


I'm afraid this is only available as a client-side method (javascript), which is also the only place where it really makes sense. Local mode is a method where your ad server and your site are on the same server, and then the ad calls are processed by your site's PHP code, which makes it extremely fast.


Of course, if you want to go even faster, you are welcome to develop a version of single page call that would work in local mode, i.e. server-side.


Regards, Erik Geurts


Thank you Erik for the answer.


1. With 3 calls per page, on a server delivering 100.000 pages per day, any idea of the benefit to develop a single page call in local page ? 20% better, 50% better ?

2. How long would it take to develop such a single call ? (for you for example, keeping in mind that i guess you are the quickest to do something like that ?). question of a couple of hours only or more ?



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