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Posts posted by itsme

  1. Due to the fact, that this thread is still the top of the Google search for Revive and mobile banners, here is my solution to show banners only on certain devices. Just as described, go to the banner you want to show on special devices and go to the tab "Delivery Options".

    Find "delivery limitation" - choose "client - useragent" and "add"
    For "Client - Useragent" choose "regex does match"

    Enter the following regex for




    iPhone|Android.*Mobile|Windows Phone|BlackBerry|webOS|Mobile

    Choose "regex does not match"

    iPad|Android(?!.*Mobile)|Tablet|PlayBook|Kindle|iPhone|Android.*Mobile|Windows Phone|BlackBerry|webOS|Mobile

    Of course detection of useragent won't cover 100%, but this is a good way to catch most of them


  2. Hello,

    right now, we use JavaScript to deliver our ads, but Pagespeed does not like the Revive-JS-scripts, because they are slowing down the website.

    So we'd love to switch to async delivery. But async always wraps an iframe around the ad and we mostly have HTML-Ads with different sizes and our ads make use of the general CSS of the website. All this brings problems, when the ad is placed inside an iframe (fixed size, no access to CSS outside frame.)

    Is there a way to deliver the ad-code with async directly into the page without an iframe wraped around?


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