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Posts posted by smile

  1. I found information that the domain.com.conf.php has variables that can be changed and then the ad blocking should be avoided. However I got no reply in that thread (I could not change my post there after some time) and after changing few more variables made no difference I decided to post thread about it.

    The variables a stored elsewhere or something? I tried making them empty or deleting them from config file it made no difference. I'm still puzzled why nobody can point me in the right direction with such basic config stuff.

  2. "3. What are are saying makes sense about what you are doing. I am not sure what you mean by "using time expiration script to expire the banners" though. Revive Adserver's campaigns have the ability to set campaign start and end dates, so, expiration of campaigns is already handled by Revive Adserver."

    Instead of doing 2 campaigns, 2 zones etc. I currently use javascript to do it in my ad html code, I also handle expiration.

    I want to do this with revive for obvious reasons. 

    I currently try to unblock ads in ublock perhaps you could answer that question.?


  3. Thank you for reply, what is "submit a PR in GitHub..."?

    How to submit it?

    Every "banner" and "expired banner" is unique combination. I think can't just have campaign full of expired banners and link them to zone.

    I use javascipt to show banner image1, then when mouse over show larger image 2. When expired I show banner image2 when mouse over show larger same image 2. Does this makes sense? I also use time expiration script to expire the banners.

    As you see putting this to the client side is not what I want. The expiration should be handled securely by the revive.

    Regarding the 

    "b. Instead of having two zones for every banner (or campaign), could you just have two zones in total, and then use the various delivery rules to target where banners are displayed?"

    Not fully understand how this works.

  4. But for this to work with zone chaining I have to:

    1. Create 2 campaigns (campaign1 and set expire date, campaign2 and do not set expire date)

    I do not have to link them to any zones, not sure how that is used.

    2. Go into each campaign and create banner HTML, paste the banner code there.

    3.Create 2 zones ("default" and "expired"), link each individual banner to every zone.

    For "default" zone set the "Display the selected zone instead" and chose 2nd zone "expired"


    And this should be done for every banner I want to expire and show expired banner !

    This is very complicated spaghetti ! Imagine having a dozen banners this way. 


    Why not simply make the feature to input another expired code into another text area at the banner HTML creation?

    Then have in campaigns a check box where date expiration is set to "show expired HTML when campaign expires"

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