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Posts posted by malmazan

  1. Hi all:

    After many years with phpAdsNew (and a failed tryout of OpenX), I installed Revive 3.2.5 (don't have the PHP version for v4 just yet) from scratch for testing.

    I have two 728x90px zones and two 240x400 zones, plus an e-mail zone and a zone I was planning to use with direct campaign invocation (which I have not found how to do on Revive yet).

    I have about 15 advertisers and 20 contract campaigns, uncapped for the most part, plus a couple of remnant campaigns. I have checked that campaigns are correctly assigned to zones, and that contracted views and end dates are fine. I use normal JS invocation.

    My web site shows about 10.000 impressions daily, and I've set tests for a few days that would serve 5% of contracted adviews and zone priorities are all wrong, with hardly any priorities assigned to contract campaigns. I tried also for about 8 hours to run 30% of views with similarly low priorities for contract campaigns even though remnants should be 0% (see attached image, a small number of contact banners have some priority, which can be 0.5%-12%), though stats showed mostly contract campaigns being delivered, albeit with very low views, about a third of what they should be. (Zone in this test is set not to show banners if the are none that can be show, though I have not seen this happen).

    I have changed a few file delivery names and used re-directs in .htaccess.

    I have checked the debug log and it seems fine, with maintenance running OK. I have checked the "Troubleshooting banner delivery" document. I know there was a command line way of showing some priority tables, but since the openx site is down and they are not documented I have not been able to run those tests.

    I'd be very grateful for some advice. Thanks in advance.



  2. 46 minutes ago, Erik Geurts said:

    Instead of renaming the files, I would like to mention the option to use symlinks.

    Does the [file] listing in the conf.php file play any role? (such as click="ck.php", they seem unchanged in the conf file)

    Also, can I safely change "adId=bannerid" in the conf.php to something else? (changing banner id was suggested at


  3. Hi:

    To try and avoid ad blocking, I have changed some "Delivery File Names" under Configuration>Global Settings>Banner Delivery Settings (using the administrator account in (v3.2.5). However, I get an error when clicking on a banner. There seems to be no documentation on this.

    Should I also change the names of the files themselves and/or the entries in the conf.php file (which have not changed after the changes in the admin panel)?

    Thanks for the help

  4. Hi:

    I have been a PhpAdsNew user for ages. I just learned about the existence of Revive. To be honest I would have preferred for Revive to make software that could be bought for a reasonable price to help developers (I originally donated to PhpAdsNew).

    Anyway, here's the question. I show about 500.000 monthly ads to a range of countries. Delivering ads with limitations (country, in my case) has always been a problem. Contract campaigns (i.e. "AdViews evenly over the remaining number of days") do not meet contracted amounts more often than not (even for countries with 25% of the total impressions) and I end up having to create high priority campaigns that I need to tune manually every week. A huge pain in the neck, plus I end up giving away impressions in order not to fall short. At some point I switched to OpenX, but even with patches that were supposed to address delivery issues the results were even worse, so I went back to good old PAN.

    Are there changes in Revive's delivery engine that will provide a solution to my delivery problems?


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