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Posts posted by femdom

  1. OK, this is the solution if someone has same problem. I am pasting what great hosting guys found


    the problem is that the $assetPath variable is incorrectly calculated in the smarty template (file ...../lib/templates/admin/layout/styles.html ).


    ======== file /htdocs/advertisers/var/femdomclicks.info.conf.php ============
    ;<?php exit; ?>

    requireSSL=1                    //  before the correction was  requireSSL=

  2. Hi: I've added https to my revive ad server installation. From what I currently see is that ads are still properly delivered but there is another problem that I am about to describe.

    Everything looks fine on HTTP version but as soon as I access https admin area, the whole site looks broken, like it is missing some CSS file or something. Below is the print screen:



    Any suggestion how to solve this?


  3. OK, we did it but an unexpected problem just occurred. Actually, all is working except that admin area looks ruined when accessed with https. With HTTP it is ok. Look at the print screen please : https://prnt.sc/iqs3lh Guys from hosting are confused, so they told me to ask next:

    I suggest that developers clarify the recommendations for setting up the "revive adserver" to work with the software nginx (frontend) + apache (backend) + php-fpm

    Perhaps we are missing some small, but very important setting.

    P.S. in the documentation on their site I did not find the technical description, only general settings

  4. Thank you so much, no way that I could find this considering that I don't have knowledge on this level. Hope you will post what you find soon. I am sure there are many people infected, maybe they are just not aware at this point. This is a huge security breach. If it helps, I am running  v3.2.1 , will update now. 

  5. Hi: it took me a whole day to find why Nod32 is reporting Coin Miner Infection. It is one related to one of the advertiser's zones. As soon as I disable that zone, there are no more warnings.

    This is what I am getting at the moment when I re-enable that zone : 



    Please advise what to do? I've clicked on the sites from served banners and there I am not getting that message on their sites.




  6. Hello

    I guess many of you guys are into the SEO. You probably noticed that when you ad campaign, there are empty alt fields in the code. Even if there is an ALT field filled for each banner.

    Is there a way to have this removed? thanks

    Example : 


  7. My revive adserver installation is hacked.. I am not sure what to do and how to protect myself. I will need help with one answer (this is what my hosting company asked me ). This is what they say (and ask) to notify developers: Thank you in advance

    1. that in those scripts below has vulnerabilities.
    2. via those scripts hackers upload web shells to the server.
    3. If those scripts are not a part of 'advertiser' then we need to remove them.


    4473141 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 14733 Apr 30 2014 ./deliveryLimitations/dump.php
    4855755 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 12522 Apr 30 2014 ./bannerTypeHtml/vastOverlayBannerTypeHtml/menu75.php
    2229511 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 13265 Apr 30 2014 ./bannerTypeHtml/footer.php
    4863443 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 12197 Apr 30 2014 ./etc/oxInvocationTags/dirs14.php
    4861793 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 13606 Apr 30 2014 ./etc/oxLogClick/alias24.php
    4861973 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 15381 Apr 30 2014 ./etc/Site/proxy.php
    4456689 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 12776 Apr 30 2014 ./deliveryLog/lib20.php
    4853612 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 domains domains 12908 Apr 30 2014 ./videoAds/footer.php
    after POST query into any of those files, in a file system appears the encoding scripts such advertisers/inc73.php across which the big botnet sends a tons of spam mails.


    Thank you in advance

  8. Hi:


    I am using open x 2.8.8. Why? Because upgrade process was not successful last time so I had to stay on Open x.


    Few days ago, I've got e-mail from google webmaster tools claiming that snippet in header is suspicious. This is suspicious code: 



    <!-- Generated by OpenX 2.8.8 --> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://example.com/advertisers/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=45'></script>


    Google stopped sending all traffic to that site and 40 other in network that are using Open x. We did scan and nothing was found. Advertiser links are not going to malware sites.


    As soon as I've removed that line of code, Google removed warning and resumed sending traffic. But all this sounds like disaster if I can't use open x to serve banners. 40 sites (adult sites)


    Google doesn't telling me where is malware only that code is suspicious. Is there some advice how to fix this problem and continue to use open x?



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