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Everything posted by cool_recep

  1. You will recieve and error if you use the old config file. Update the MySQL connection type to mysqli and it will be solved...
  2. I see no develepment update for a long time. The upgrade method of the software is pathetic. HTML5 support is nearly non existent. The Interface is left from the 90s... Are you still developing this ? If not, please tell me some alternative...
  3. Hi, we have recieved an Adobe Edge Banner but having some difficulties adding it to our server. This is the banner: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F12C73626386E7B3!11644&authkey=!AO2bjYJl93BjC28&ithint=file%2crar How are we supposed to add it ? Thanks.
  4. Exactly same problem here. But I could not solve it by your fix. Here is my line 13: require_once RV_PATH . '/lib/pear/PEAR.php'; Updated my file as: require_once '/home/technopa/public_html/ads/lib/pear/PEAR.php'; Gonna check if it is working or not. What a mess! Who is programming this stuff ? First grades ? //Solved. Duuhhhh!
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