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Richard Foley

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Posts posted by Richard Foley

  1. I wonder if anybody has any tips for getting the userbase, the advertisers and the publishers using a Revive installation, to comply with IAB recommended banner sizes, (or any other), as per: http://www.iab.net/guidelines/508676/508767/displayguidelines

    It's not that I don't appreciate the value of using a common size across multiple clients/affiliates, but I wonder if my users appreciate it to the same extent. Some can be remarkably obstinate about their "special" image/s, etc. Any helpful feedback for how to encourage the user base to use a sensible *common* format/size set is appreciated.



  2. It's possible that for an ordinary-member-post,  the pin is only valid for 7 days, (I'm not sure about that), but I'm certain that an admin-post can be made permanent. That's what we want to see, I would suggest, as THE pinned post at the top of the FB group, (but the administrator of the group might have to do that).

    Great idea, Richard! I'll see if I can do just that.


    Ah, looks like you can only pin a post on FB for 7 days?

  3.  hi Andrew, et al,

    I think you're right in that "fragmenting the number of places" is not helpful. However, having more places where people can go to FIND THIS FORUM, is a good idea! So, I'd suggest pinning a top-post on the FB group which always points directly here.


    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for wanting to take part in the Revive Adserver community, and to try to make things better!

    I really appreciate what you're trying to do, and I also appreciate that you recognise how Revive Adserver is currently "run" - that is, it's an open source project, and the time that any of the "core" team members puts in is entirely voluntary, and done purely because we enjoy the time we do put in.

    However, my suggestion would be that if you do want to help make the Revive Adserver community a stronger, better place, then fragmenting the number of places where people can go to get help is not the way forward. My personal view is that, if you (or anyone else) has the time and the inclination to help the rest of the community out, then please do so here on these forums. Creating a new Facebook site, and having multiple places where people can ask questions (and search for old questions and answers) is not, in my view, going to help make it easier for people to get help.


  4. Ah, I see what's happening now. With Firefox, for some reason, the "Submit Reply" field does not expand correctly, and I get to see only the "Drag files here..." section. With Chrome, I additionally see the entire editable text field, when clicking the "Submit Reply" button, as expected. Maybe this will help someone else, in the meantime, I'll just use Chrome.

  5. Hi Jeff,


    many thanks for your feedback, and I take your suggestions on board for consideration, as well as directly answering a couple of points here.


    The Signup plugin does include account creation, an Advertiser or a Publisher, with a corresponding user access account, as per the docs.


    In terms of a demo, currently there are screenshots, and more thorough documentation, and introductory information, will be forthcoming as TUITs are resolved.


    The 30 day support clause is incorrect, that should read 90 days support, (and the relevant page has been updated on the site) - thanks for pointing that out.


    Self-service Ads management (for advertisers) is on the cards. With a semi-automated campaign purchase/banner approval system in the works for the near future.


    Rome wasn't built in a day ;)




    You were asking for feedback? Since that is the only thing I can do to help in this forum. I will provide you with personal feedback.

  6. It does exist, but, at the time of writing with 3.2.1, it doesn't seem to work out of the box. You'll probably have to fiddle with the source to get it to install, and then the database stuff is still only about 80% functional. The main benefit of struggling with it, is that you may find examples to work with. Just FYI on my experience so far...

  7. The FB. group is a closed group, which it's not possible to "join", so quite how anybody can "hop in", is anyone's guess. ;)


    Hi there,


    we all can imagine, that the Revive-Team has a hell of work to do and can´t be around the support forums that often. For people running into problems - may it be with upgrading, first timers, experienced ones with more sophisticated problems or even developers which need a helping hand or a hint - this sometimes can be a frustrating experience, to be forced to wait a few days or sometimes weeks, until they receive a reaction to their post. Revive is for free and open source - so you really can´t expect, that there is a professional support around 24/7. The Revive guys have a life, too - or at least they had one before Revive became so popular ;)


    While waiting for response to a problem I run into, I thought "Hey, why not making a Revive selfhelping group in facebook? Faster replies, far more reach, quicker communication - and may be someone already knows a solution to a problem users may run into."  So, in short, I did it and now I´m inviting everyone to the group. 

    I´m just a Revive user so I guess, I am not really someone who could help with bigger problems. But I guess over time there could and will be  a nice crowd, some more experienced ones, may be one or the other developer or even someone from the Revive-Team itself (which will be recognizable per the assigned Administrator-Status in the group).


    You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/142121312790362/ . I hope Revive don´t mind, that I am using the Revive logo for the group - but what would fit better than this.


    Hop in - you´re welcome ;)



  8. Screenshots are available on the website,  and registration fees are handled.


    (Campaign creation and related extra functionality is a work-in-progress.)




    Any demo? Hows progress on Handling registration fees, and campaign creation, etc ?



    ps. if someone thinks this is costly, I respectfully suggest they go right ahead and use the freely available facilities which come with Revive out of the box. It's good software, but lacks some much-needed and quality features, which state some of us are rectifying.

  9. If the configuration setting is too short for dev. purposes, you might consider clearing the cache directories manually and restarting your server.


    I found the settings. 

    They are on banner configuration. 

    I need to change that now because we are on a dev site testing the code for the ads, so we need to be able to see the changes.

    I set 5 minutes and I will replace that in the future. 


    20 minutes is a lot if you need to change something on one ad.


    Any method to shuffle or clear the cache when a change like that is made?

    Any other cache method that can be used instead of this one?



  10. According to the -> upgrade docs. <- you may be able to use the database tools to assist you. I havn't had the pleasure of migrating wildly different Adserver database versions, and it probably won't be a single command, but it's worth looking into.

    1. Copying the database
    As explained in detail above, the upgrade process involves making a copy of your production database into a newly created database and then to run the upgrade on this new database.
    If you’re not comfortable with command line statements, you might be able to use a tool like phpMyAdmin to copy all of your tables from the existing database ‘revive_adserver_abc’ into the new database ‘revive_adserver_xyz’.
    However, it is often faster to use a few command line statements to export the data from the existing database and then to import it into the new database. If you don’t know how, ask a colleague, team member, or outside expert for help.
    Here is a template for the command line statements.
    To export data from the existing database into a text file:Quotemysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD OLDDATABASE –skip-lock-tables > FILE.sqlTo import data from this text file into the new database:Quotemysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD NEWDATABASE < FILE.sqlYou’ll have to replace the USER, PASSWORD, OLDDATABASE and NEWDATABASE placeholders with the actual names and values.
    Whatever way of copying the data you use, always make sure that you’ve got a copy of all the tables of your existing database. You can do this by comparing the list of tables of both databases.
  11. You shouldn't get any 404's with a standard Revive installation, (presumably you're using the latest version?)


    Some other things to check: do your www/admin/* paths exist on your server? Is your web server is intercepting your requests in an unexpected manner? Is your configuration file up-to-date and all of your configuration paths correct?



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