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Everything posted by v.zhakov

  1. Hello! I need modify banner fields (storage) and banner view (client's html). One way, that I see - create custom banner type. How I can add fields (image, text) to my custom banner? So, I've added this fields to form. But they are not saved((( Can somebody help me? <?php require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/OA.php'; require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Plugin/Common.php'; require_once LIB_PATH . '/Extension/bannerTypeText/bannerTypeHtml.php'; require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Plugin/Translation.php'; class Plugins_BannerTypeHTML_domHtml_domHtmlComponent extends Plugins_BannerTypeHtml { /** * Return type of plugin * * @return string A string describing the type of plugin. */ function getOptionDescription() { return $this->translate("My HTML Banner"); } function buildForm(&$form, &$row) { parent::buildForm($form, $row); $form->addElement('text', 'text1', "Text Title"); addUploadGroup($form, $aBanner, array( 'uploadName' => 'upload', 'radioName' => 'replaceimage', 'imageName' => '$imageName', 'newLabel' => $GLOBALS['strNewBannerFile'], 'updateLabel' => $GLOBALS['strUploadOrKeep'], 'handleSWF' => true )); } } Thanks!
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