IcePossum Posted September 19, 2015 Report Posted September 19, 2015 Hello,Earlier this week I upgraded from OpenX 2.8 to Revive 3.12. Everything went well and appeared to be working correctly but I have noticed when browsing the database that the data_summary_zone_impression_history table has not updated since the upgrade.Other statistic tables seem to be updating (data_intermediate_ad , data_summary_ad_hourly & log_maintenance_statistics as examples) but not the large summary table.The dates in the tables that are updating are current while the dates in the data_summary_zone_impression_history table still match what was in the previous version database.Question 1: is this table still supposed to be updating after the upgrade?If yes, Question 2: Any suggestions on how I get it synced up, or at least have the data updating restarted again?Here is an example of what I am seeing in the debug.log file: Sep 19 14:44:32 +0000 OX-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Running Automatic Maintenance TaskSep 19 14:44:33 +0000 OX-55fd74d14a215 [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:33 +0000 OX-55fd74d1624bf [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:33 +0000 OX-55fd74d1a05ca [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:33 +0000 OX-55fd74d1c817f [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:34 +0000 OX-55fd74d1ef936 [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:34 +0000 OX-55fd74d2182d6 [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lockSep 19 14:44:34 +0000 OX-55fd74d22ce3d [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lock Sep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Running Maintenance EngineSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Running Maintenance Statistics EngineSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SetUpdateRequirementsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Maintenance statistics will be runSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - The intermediate table statistics will be updatedSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - The final table statistics will be updatedSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SetUpdateRequirementsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_MigrateBucketDataSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - The sscad_data_bkt_a table is a raw data table. Data logged in real-time, not operation intervals.Sep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Accordingly, pruning of the sscad_data_bkt_a table will be performed based on data that has a logged date betweenSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] 2015-09-19 13:00:00 UTC and 2015-09-19 13:59:59 UTCSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - The sscad_data_bkt_a_var table is a raw data table. Data logged in real-time, not operation intervals.Sep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Accordingly, pruning of the sscad_data_bkt_a_var table will be performed based on data that has a logged date betweenSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] 2015-09-19 13:00:00 UTC and 2015-09-19 13:59:59 UTCSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_MigrateBucketDataSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_DeDuplicateConversionsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_DeDuplicateConversionsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageConversionsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageConversionsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SummariseFinalSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SummariseFinalSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_LogCompletionSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_LogCompletionSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageCampaignsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Managing (activating/deactivating) campaignsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageCampaignsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Maintenance Statistics Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 14:44:35 UTC)Sep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Running Maintenance Priority EngineSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 14:44:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 14:00:00 to 2015-09-19 14:59:59Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Inserted 62 rows in the table tmp_ad_zone_impressionSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 14:00:00 to 2015-09-19 14:59:59Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting All ManagersSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '9' for manager 1Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '8' for manager 1Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '7' for manager 1Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '6' for manager 1Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] - Selecting Managers with ECPM priority campaigns runningSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Maintenance Priority Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 14:44:35 UTC)Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Maintenance Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 14:44:35 UTC, taking 00:00:01)Sep 19 14:44:36 +0000 OX-55fd74d0a8e2e [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task Completed Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Running Maintenance Priority EngineSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 14:00:00 to 2015-09-19 14:59:59Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Inserted 62 rows in the table tmp_ad_zone_impressionSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 14:00:00 to 2015-09-19 14:59:59Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting All ManagersSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '9' for manager 1Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '8' for manager 1Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '7' for manager 1Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '6' for manager 1Sep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] - Selecting Managers with ECPM priority campaigns runningSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 14:50:37 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd763d0a529 [ info] Maintenance Priority Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 14:50:37 UTC)Sep 19 14:53:29 +0000 OX-55fd76e8d5690 [ info] Sync: No updateSep 19 15:50:34 +0000 OX-55fd844a391cc [ info] Running Automatic Maintenance Task Sep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Running Maintenance EngineSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Running Maintenance Statistics EngineSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SetUpdateRequirementsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Maintenance statistics will be runSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - The intermediate table statistics will be updatedSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - The final table statistics will be updatedSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SetUpdateRequirementsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_MigrateBucketDataSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - The sscad_data_bkt_a table is a raw data table. Data logged in real-time, not operation intervals.Sep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Accordingly, pruning of the sscad_data_bkt_a table will be performed based on data that has a logged date betweenSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] 2015-09-19 14:00:00 UTC and 2015-09-19 14:59:59 UTCSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - The sscad_data_bkt_a_var table is a raw data table. Data logged in real-time, not operation intervals.Sep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Accordingly, pruning of the sscad_data_bkt_a_var table will be performed based on data that has a logged date betweenSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] 2015-09-19 14:00:00 UTC and 2015-09-19 14:59:59 UTCSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_MigrateBucketDataSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_DeDuplicateConversionsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_DeDuplicateConversionsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageConversionsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageConversionsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SummariseFinalSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SummariseFinalSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_LogCompletionSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_LogCompletionSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageCampaignsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Managing (activating/deactivating) campaignsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageCampaignsSep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Maintenance Statistics Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 15:50:35 UTC)Sep 19 15:50:35 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Running Maintenance Priority EngineSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetimeSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_GetRequiredAdImpressionsDailySep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 15:00:00 to 2015-09-19 15:59:59Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Inserted 62 rows in the table tmp_ad_zone_impressionSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_AllocateZoneImpressionsSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting Zones forecasts for all managers for OI from 2015-09-19 15:00:00 to 2015-09-19 15:59:59Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_PriorityCompensationSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting All ManagersSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '9' for manager 1Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '8' for manager 1Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '7' for manager 1Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting active campaigns with priority = '6' for manager 1Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforContractSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task begin: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] - Selecting Managers with ECPM priority campaigns runningSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Task complete: OA_Maintenance_Priority_AdServer_Task_ECPMforRemnantSep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Maintenance Priority Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 15:50:35 UTC)Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-maintenance-55fd844a391cc [ info] Maintenance Engine Completed (Started at 2015-09-19 15:50:35 UTC, taking 00:00:01)Sep 19 15:50:36 +0000 OX-55fd844a391cc [ info] Automatic Maintenance Task Completed Thanks for any help with this. Quote
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