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Crowdin translation project for Revive Adserver

Contribute to an open source project, help translate Revive Adserver to your own language

Revive Adserver is free, open source software, making it accessible to many people. But so far, the focus has been mostly on producing an English language version. We know that the software is being used in many different countries by people speaking many different languages. We want to make Revive Adserver accessible to non-English speakers too.

Being a community project, we want to ask for contributions from the community. We’re looking for people who can read English well, and are able to translate the texts in Revive Adserver into their own native language.

We’re inviting users who would like to participate and contribute, to join the Revive Adserver translation project at Crowedin. Several languages that we’ve identified are already listed there, and other language can be added if an translator comes forward. Just click the Sign Up button at the top right of the Crowdin website and create an account. It’s free to open an account, and it doesn’t create any obligations.

Once you’re logged in, go the languages overview or the translation project and click on the flag of the language you want to translate. From there, it’s simple and the Crowdin tool will even help you with suggested translations. Everyone contributing to the translations will get a special mention on the Translations page of the project website as soon as the next release of the software is available.

This is the ideal opportunity to contribute to an open source project, even if you’re not a programmer. It would be great to have at least 2 translators per language, so community members can help each other and proofread the translations offered by their colleagues.

We look forward to seeing the community come together to help translate Revive Adserver, so that non-English speaking users can get the most benefit from our software.

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