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Posts posted by Lubrick

  1. Hello,

    I noticed a problem with AdServer and could use your help. On some mobile devices, on Android and iOS apps AdServer does not display banners due to an unknown error. However, this problem is not persistent and it manifests randomly.

    A way to reproduce the issue would be to click on a link to some banner in Chrome or Firefox mobile browser incognito windows (also noticed on desktop incognito browsers)

    Banner link has this format:

    On first click banner is not loaded, but it loads after a refresh.

    While testing I put these variable values in javascript console "OA_output['320x50']" and on first call it returned no value, but after refreshing the page I got a response.

    Here are responses for first and second call by the adserver, that returned different responses.



    var OA_output = new Array(); 
    OA_output['320x50'] = '';
    OA_output['320x50'] += "<"+"div id=\'beacon_5ac77bf265\' style=\'position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;\'><"+"img src=\'http://ads.example.com/www/delivery/lg.php?bannerid=0&amp;campaignid=0&amp;zoneid=43&amp;source=Main&amp;loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fmobile_banner_43.html&amp;cb=5ac77bf265\' width=\'0\' height=\'0\' alt=\'\' style=\'width: 0px; height: 0px;\' /><"+"/div>\n";



    var OA_output = new Array(); 
    OA_output['320x50'] = '';
    OA_output['320x50'] += "<"+"a href=\'http://ads.example.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=6334__zoneid=43__source=Main__cb=1f321f9d78__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fsubdomain.example.com%2Fwebsite-section%2Farticle-url-and-id\' target=\'_blank\'><"+"img src=\'http://ads.example.com/www/images/7da719d964bb4d6311c9dada6cb6f229.jpg\' width=\'320\' height=\'50\' alt=\'\' title=\'\' border=\'0\' /><"+"/a><"+"div id=\'beacon_1f321f9d78\' style=\'position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;\'><"+"img src=\'http://ads.example.com/www/delivery/lg.php?bannerid=6334&amp;campaignid=3618&amp;zoneid=43&amp;source=Main&amp;OAZBLOCK=3600&amp;OAZCAP=99999&amp;OASZCAP=99999&amp;loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com%2Fmobile_banner_43.html&amp;cb=1f321f9d78\' width=\'0\' height=\'0\' alt=\'\' style=\'width: 0px; height: 0px;\' /><"+"/div>\n";

    Could you please help me understand why is this happening, I am out of ideas. Thank you very much.

  2. No one knows what could be the problem? Admins?


    I went through all logs on the server but there is no error, warning or anything else that seams relevant to my problem...

    I assume, looking at the url I get when I click on "Export statistics to Excel" (which i pasted below), that excel reports are generated with a plugin. Is it possible that there is a problem with this plugin after a recent Revive update?








    I found something useful in the debug.log file.


    When I click on "Export Statistics to Excel" debug.log shows me this:


    [ warning]  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my_path/public_html/lib/pear/OLE/PPS/Root.php:133)

  3. Hello. :)


    I noticed a recent problem with campaign reports.


    When I want to generate a report I go to statistics, then I select an advertiser which opens it's campaigns, and when I click on selected campaign the report is shown.

    The problem occurs when I try to export the chosen report to excel, because then I get the report for all advertisers instead of just the one I wanted. Is this a bug or am I missing something?



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