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  1. Well, I think it's not an issue, but... a question! :) Would you consider safe enough leaving the config file with 644 permissions on a server where all 644 file and folders are accessible by the web user? That would be the question. Thank you
  2. Hello, just a tip: in your guide on upgrading, as a last step you suggest to switch permissions of the main configuration file from 777 to 644. What if my server has already files and folders set to 644 but that file seems to be writable in the backend? I guess my provider is using some sort of SUDO configuration and I asked them but they said they don't know how Revive Adserver works. What do you suggest? Thank you
  3. All those that ends with " _20101007_160828 ", right? Those ones were the main reason for my question! Thank you
  4. Hello, I just upgraded my install of Revive Adserver: it is running since years now, since it was called phpAdsNew. I ran quite all the upgrades during these years passing the same database through OpenAds, OpenX and finally Revive Adserver. The same install always worked fine, but now I think I have some old database tables that I can simply delete once for all. This is my actual Database structure: ox_accounts ox_account_preference_assoc ox_account_user_assoc ox_account_user_permission_assoc ox_acls ox_acls_channel ox_ad_category_assoc ox_ad_zone_assoc ox_affiliates ox_affiliates_extra ox_agency ox_application_variable ox_audit ox_banners ox_banner_vast_element ox_campaigns ox_campaigns_trackers ox_category ox_channel ox_clients ox_database_action ox_data_bkt_a ox_data_bkt_a_20101007_160828 ox_data_bkt_a_var ox_data_bkt_a_var_20101007_160828 ox_data_bkt_c ox_data_bkt_c_20101007_160828 ox_data_bkt_m ox_data_bkt_m_20101007_160828 ox_data_bkt_r ox_data_bkt_r_20101007_160828 ox_data_bkt_vast_e ox_data_intermediate_ad ox_data_intermediate_ad_connection ox_data_intermediate_ad_variable_value ox_data_raw_ad_click ox_data_raw_ad_impression ox_data_raw_ad_request ox_data_raw_tracker_impression ox_data_raw_tracker_variable_value ox_data_summary_ad_hourly ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc ox_data_summary_channel_daily ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history ox_ext_market_advertiser ox_ext_market_assoc_data ox_ext_market_campaign_pref ox_ext_market_general_pref ox_ext_market_plugin_variable ox_ext_market_setting ox_ext_market_stats ox_ext_market_website_pref ox_ext_market_web_stats ox_images ox_log_maintenance_forecasting ox_log_maintenance_priority ox_log_maintenance_statistics ox_password_recovery ox_placement_zone_assoc ox_preferences ox_session ox_stats_vast ox_targetstats ox_trackers ox_tracker_append ox_upgrade_action ox_userlog ox_users ox_variables ox_variable_publisher ox_zones Are all those tables really needed and in use? Could I safely delete some of them? Thank you for your support.
  5. Hello there, I'm using the same instance of Revive Adserver since it was phpAdsNew You can guess it went through a number of upgrades in the past and today I upgraded to version 3.1.0 (from former 3.0.5). Everything went fine but as usual I had some errors all about oxMarket which I don't have anymore. This is the detailed list of errors during the upgrade process: Detailed list of errors found Installation of plugin 'openXBannerTypes' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openXDeliveryLimitations' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openX3rdPartyServers' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openXReports' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openXMaxMindGeoIP' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openXInvocationTags' failed: PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Installation of plugin 'openXVideoAds' failed: Unable to determine schema requirements for oxMarket - could not locate definition at Unable to determine schema requirements for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at Unable to determine schema requirements for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarket - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketMaintenance - could not locate definition at PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for oxMarketDelivery - could not locate definition at Of course it can' determin dependencies and doesn't find the path to the file because oxMarket has been uninstalled long ago. It may be that I manually removed folders and files because an error and since then it always tries to detect that plugin during the upgrades. I think there should be a reference to the oxMarket plugin in the database or somewhere else and I'd like to clear it. I gave a look at the debug file. I avoid to paste it here, it only shows errors about oxMarket and old named plugins. This is just an excerpt: [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXBannerTypes.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLimitations.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openX3rdPartyServers.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXReports.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryCacheStore.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXMaxMindGeoIP.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXInvocationTags.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLog.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXVideoAds.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXBannerTypes.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLimitations.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openX3rdPartyServers.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXReports.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryCacheStore.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXMaxMindGeoIP.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXInvocationTags.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLog.xml [ error] Failed to find package definition file /full/path/to/plugins/etc/openXVideoAds.xml From the admin backend I can't see any problem and, as said, this install works since long time without any other issue. Under the "Plugins" section I see all the plugins correctly enabled and with their new names: IAB VAST Plugin 1.10.8 Banner Delivery Logging Plugin 1.1.1 Invocation Tags Plugin 1.3.0 MaxMind GeoIP Plugin 1.3.0 Banner Delivery Cache Store Plugin 1.1.1 Reports Plugin 1.5.2 3rd Party Servers Plugin 1.2.0 Delivery Limitations Plugin 1.3.0 Banner Types Plugin 1.2.2 Now the question is: how can I find and delete those "ghost" dependencies and old plugins? Could it be I still have some old DB tables or records? Thank you
  6. Ok, I just renamed that folder and it seems it didn't harm anything. By the way, Installatron is simply a cPanel app that automates the upgrading process: it backs up files and database of a software like Revive Adserver or like any known CMS and then extracts and writes the new files, nothing more than this
  7. My Revive is hosted on a webserver with cPanel, in cPanel there's a tool called Installatron and it makes application upgrades semi-automatic. I just saw the most recent log files (those file named as "openads_version_stamp_[VERSION]_[DATE-TIME].log") and it seems there were no errors since version 2.8.7. The install.log file (since OpenX 2.8.7) reports only the errors I stated above... Please note I'm asking about the oxMarket directory under [webroot]/www/admin/plugins/ path, not under [webroot]/plugins/ ... Do you think I can safely delete it? Thank you
  8. I upgraded from OpenX through Installatron under cPanel, everything went fine and then the upgrade proceeded through the admin area... I don't remember any error message but I had no issue since then. Today I just upgraded again from version 3.0.3 to 3.0.4... Just got some errors and I checked the install.log file: #! openXMarket(): Component group with this name is already installed oxMarket #! openXMarket(): The uploaded file did not pass security check #! openXMarket(): The uploaded file openXMarket.zip was not unpacked I checked if the OpenX Market plugin was still installed and it is not.. But I found the dir /www/admin/plugins/oxMarket/ via FTP. That's the reason why I'm asking Thank you
  9. Hello there, I recently upgraded my very old OpenX installation - it started as phpAdsNew! - to the new Revive Adserver. The plugin OpenX Market was removed in the admin area, by me or by the upgrading process, don't remember... Now I just saw that a folder oxMarket still exists under /www/admin/plugins/ and I was wondering if I can completely delete it without causing issues. Thank you in advance.
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