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Everything posted by raulfg

  1. Forget this! Sorry ! The problem the check of production site is disabled! when i enable the check the warning dissapear! The warnings appears on php 7.2 & 7.3 (I dont know what happen in inferior versions... )
  2. Hi all, I installed a clean revive 5.0.5 (lot of years updating revive and a huge 7Gb database...) to start new zones and campaings... All is working fine, but when I click on stats -> global stats shows this warning message: MESSAGE: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable TYPE: Warning FILE: /home/adsnoroesteenred/public_html/revive/lib/OA/Admin/Statistics/Delivery/CommonHistory.php LINE: 161 DEBUG INFO: 156 $use_pager = false; 157 } elseif ($this->statsBreakdown == 'hour' || $this->statsBreakdown == 'dow') { 158 $use_pager = false; 159 } else { 160 $per_page = 15; 161 $use_pager = count($stats) > $per_page; 162 }163164 if ($use_pager) {165 $params = array(166 'itemData' => $stats, MESSAGE: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/adsnoroesteenred/public_html/revive/lib/max/ErrorHandler.php:134) TYPE: Warning FILE: /home/adsnoroesteenred/public_html/revive/lib/OA/Admin/UI.php LINE: 290 DEBUG INFO: 285 ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); 286 } 287 } 288 } 289 // Send header with charset info and display 290 header ("Content-Type: text/html".(isset($phpAds_CharSet) && $phpAds_CharSet != "" ? "; charset=".$phpAds_CharSet : "")); 291 $this->oTpl->display();292 if (!defined('phpAds_installing')) {293 OX_Admin_UI_Hooks::afterPageHeader($id);294 }295 } It seems all is working fine.... Thx in advance! Raul I discovered other message in customer properties: MESSAGE: Declaration of OA_Admin_UI_Rule_Min::validate($value, $min) should be compatible with HTML_QuickForm_Rule::validate($value) TYPE: Warning FILE: /home/adsnoroesteenred/public_html/revive/lib/OA/Admin/UI/component/rule/Min.php LINE: 0 DEBUG INFO: Context cannot be shown - (0) is an invalid line number I Discovered a new warning when i go to any customer (customer properties) MESSAGE: Declaration of OA_Admin_UI_Rule_Min::validate($value, $min) should be compatible with HTML_QuickForm_Rule::validate($value) TYPE: Warning FILE: /home/adsnoroesteenred/public_html/revive/lib/OA/Admin/UI/component/rule/Min.php LINE: 0 DEBUG INFO: Context cannot be shown - (0) is an invalid line number
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