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Everything posted by Leon

  1. actually it doesn't redirect, but shows warning "unsecure" connection http://c2n.me/3Oq1L18 because admin panel has hardcoded links loading content from HTTP location <script type="text/javascript" src="http://-----------/www/admin/assets/min.php?g=oxp-js&amp;v=3.2.4"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://-----------/www/delivery/fl.js'></script>
  2. Hi, We've installed SSL certificate, but for some reason when i open login page for Revive using HTTPS in URL it redirects to HTTP http://c2n.me/3OpB9Wz Is there any special setting in configuration I need to enable in order for Revive to "understand" it needs now to work under HTTPS? Thank you!
  3. Remnant campaign HTML banner "Does this issue occur if you use a plain image banner?" no, generally everything works good. we have latest version, no warnings or any problems. i used to us OpenX for many years so i know this system really good
  4. Hi, We are showing Google AdWords with Revive AdServer and it's displays occasionally, like 1 time in 10 refreshes, other times it's blank space. It does work when shown directly. Here's the code in Revie http://c2n.me/3JWuMxB code on site: <div id="top_banner_div"> <ins data-revive-zoneid="1" data-revive-id="b2463233079136678b0fa6075bd763c9"></ins> <script async src="//rvv.xxxx.net/www/delivery/asyncjs.php"></script> </div> here's display zone http://c2n.me/3JWui9W
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