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Posts posted by Abdujabbor

  1. in documentation: http://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Generic+HTML+banners

    it views banner link:

    Banner link

    There are two Banner link fields for Generic HTML banners:

    • Destination URL: The URL that the user viewing the banner should be sent to when they click on the banner, if the banner HTML does not already contain one or more links. If the HTML banner already contains at least one link, then leave this field unchanged - otherwise, set the destination URL, and the entire HTML banner will be made clickable using this link.
    • Target: An optional HTML link target. Valid options are _blank_self_parent and _top. By default, Revive Adserver will use _blank.

    but in my local ad revive server it doesn't render . . . 


    and this is the screen:




  2. I just added banner and destrination urls:

    Destination URL (incl. http://)

    my clients says that after moving my site to https, in yandex metrica doesn't view the referer from my site. but I don't change nothing in my ad server configurations. and my ad server also moved to https. maybe some configurations? 

  3. On 5/3/2016 at 3:20 PM, Erik Geurts said:

    I'm assuming your HTML banners containg some reference to non secure content (using http instead of https). When the ad request comes in over https, Revive Adserver won't select such HTML banners, to avoid a mixed content warning or error message in the browser.

    Erik one more question, does ad revive server send the referer param? on click flash banner?

  4. Hi, some days ago I have moved my site from http to https protocol. and now Revive Adserver doesn't render the html banners, does it require some configurations? or this is bug? but all other banners rendered normal, flash, images. . . but only html banners doesn't render. also I have tested manually if I ask the url:


    it always renders me the html banner because it has 30% probability.

    but this url with https protocol doesn't render the html banner


    pls, could you help me?

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