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Scott Switzer

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Posts posted by Scott Switzer

  1. Hi folks,

    I am using Revive as part of an RTB bidding platform.  There are a ton of querystring variables that I want to pass through to the click and log URLs that are passed into the adjs call.  When I add a new variable, so the URL is something like:


    The resulting javascript, which initiates the click and log URL's, does not contain foo=bar.

    I set about creating a plugin to allow this.

    +1 for an example plugin for every available hook!
    +1 for additional documentation!
    (I realize the irony here that the plugin framework was built while I was intimately involved with this project, and the documentation and examples should have come from my team :) )

    After building a plugin based on the 'addUrlParams' hook, so the following componentParams get passed:  "foo" => "{foo}"

    I realized that the values get URL encoded, so I cannot pass in a variable {foo} to be translated because it gets URL encoded.

    Am I missing something here?  If not, can I submit a pull request where new values can be added in the config file?


    Love, Scott




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