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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Hello. I use Revive Adserver v3.2.2. The manager told me that his changes are periodically lost. For example he changed banner weight from A to B, but later weight again became equal A. Or he deactivated banner, but later banner again became active. Is it real? How can I check this? PS: sorry for my english.
  2. Hi. Revive Adserver slows down database. I see many queries "INSERT INTO rv_data_bkt_m" is status "Waiting for table level lock ". I think the problem is MyISAM . Can I change tables types to InnoDB on the live server?
  3. Hello. I have one zone with two banner on Revive Adserver v3.2.2. I placed iframe-tag on web-page. Banners are displayed. I wanted to look at the statistics. It was empty. I executed maintenance-script from console. Now statistics are displayed. But "Impr." column is still empty. Why? UPD: Problem is solved. AdBlock blocks /delivery/lg.php
  4. Yes, via an API. Now I am using the following workaround: get iframe-srcload html-contnentparse html-content to get a-href and img-src
  5. Hello. I created zone with two banners. Then I generated iframe-tag for this zone and placed it on web page. It works good, banners are displayed at random. Now I need to get only banner link and it's image source from this zone. How can I do that?
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