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Posts posted by giantstep

  1. I have a currently in production Revive install that is using an IP address. I pointed a domain name to it, set the apache config file, and it now redirects to the IP. Configuration appears to be ok. I created a conf file with the domain (e.g. example.com.conf.php) by copying the IP addressed file and changing the attributes inside. Is there another file that has to be changed to tell Revive to use the new conf file? Am I missing something here. 

  2. This is what I have, more in my language...

    My path is below, maybe this is the issue? The install is in a folder. 

    Should I change the 755 permissions to 777 ??



     /var - 755        /www - 755        html/ -775       revive/  -775     

    revive/var  -777
    revive/var/cache  -777
    revive/var/plugins  -777
    revive/var/templates_compiled  -777
    revive/plugins -755
    revive/www/admin/plugins -755
    revive/www/images -775


    I should add here that everything works great. We have been using the adserver for two months with no issue. ...just getting the error message when people log in. So it appears permissions are good enough for it to work... Wish there was a log somewhere to know what is going on. 

  3. @andrewatfornax I sent the patreon link to my boss. Not sure he will have the patience to wait, given the seriousness of the missing feature. 60% of our traffic is mobile. 

    In the meantime, I still have to figure out how to make the ad work on mobile. When I try to set the width to 100% it just does not get honored. Not sure why, this worked in the past. I tried to set it as !important but it still does not work. I only have one 1 ad to work with currently, I will continue to try to get it to respond to screen changes and post here any solution I can find. 

    If a solution can be found and stickied on this site, I think it will hold people off for a while until you guys get the time and money to build. Right now, I am in the dark and spent hours already trying to get a banner to work with percentages... 

    Someone somewhere must have found a solution. Maybe using js?

  4. Thanks Andre!

    Sorry for the ignorant question but what permission do you recommend be set so the webserver can read/write to them? 777? 775? 755?

    Also, if I need to recursively set the var to read write, how can I lock down the config file in /var/www.myserver.com.conf.php (from 777 to 644)


    note: this is a fresh install on Digital Ocean. 

  5. noone? hopefully someone can help. I just want to get rid of the error message. It looks bad and looks like I screwed something up. I do not think I did. 

    Everything works fine... the error exists because I changed the permission of the var folder to 777 after the install (which is a new install/ not an upgrade). It would not upload any images until I changed var to 777, which is understandable. 

  6. I recently installed revive and users could not upload images, so I changed the image folder to 755 permissions and it works fine now but... Now this error message appears when users log in:


    Debug tail -f shows no message related to this. Is there a way to get rid of this? I'm assuming it is displaying because I changed the permissions on the image folder? What are the proper permissions that may be needed to get rid of this message?



  7. I am trying to figure out if this is a server issue, possibly configuration? 

    I get the following script in the browser window when I go to the folder via an IP to start a fresh install...



    | Revive Adserver                                                           |
    | http://www.revive-adserver.com                                            |
    |                                                                           |
    | Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT.txt file.                                    |
    | License: GPLv2 or later, see the LICENSE.txt file.                        |
     * This file is only called to redirect to somewhere else, however, if Revive
     * Adserver is not yet installed, we need to know that it was this file that
     * was called, so set a global variable.
    define('ROOT_INDEX', true);
    // Require the initialisation file
    require_once 'init.php';
    // Required files
    require_once LIB_PATH . '/Admin/Redirect.php';
    // Redirect to the admin interface
  8. I have been unable to set up geoip and maxmind on Revive 3.0.2. I tried all the documentation and I just do not get anything showing up in the api. Their are no options for geolocation. I am not even getting an option for rich media. 

    Am I missing something in the setup process --I have maxmind enabled, geo ip is enabled and I even tried adding dat files from the MaxMind site. 

    Anyone have any success with geo location in Revive? What did you do?

  9. When I go to the Banner code and use the drop down for 'Support 3rd party clicktracking' the only options I get are 'Generic' or 'No'. So it seems it is not set up? 

    In a failed attempt to get Maxmind working on Revive 3.0.2, I am now trying to use the advertisers clicktracking as Rich Media...

    All the documentation I find online does not say what to do if options are not listed. 

    Any help appreciated. 

  10. Still not working. The ad is not showing up in the ad server itself when I click on show banner. If I pull the url from the script it will display in the browser. I tried to use 'link an external banner' and generic html banner' but no luck with either. 

    Here is the script with the ID removed (replaced by xxx...) since the campaign is not active yet:

    <script src='https://ad.atdmt.com/i/a.js;p=xxxxxxxxxxx;idfa=;idfa_lat=;aaid=;aaid_lat=;cache=?click='></script><noscript><iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' height='250' width='975' src='https://ad.atdmt.com/i/a.html;p=xxxxxxxxxxx;idfa=;idfa_lat=;aaid=;aaid_lat=;cache=?click=' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' allowtransparency='1'></iframe></noscript>


    Any ideas as to why this is not working? Is it possible to run this through Revive?


  11. I hear what you're saying. I am trying to gather as much info as possible to not get into a situation where it is too expensive or not fast enough. I definitely expect it to be an experiment at first. This AWS experiment will be done alongside the current server so it can be switched back if needed. 

    This is actually already hosted on a single VM with nginx, php5-fpm, memcache, and mysql from a colo. It is currently local storage. Someone else set this up. I am looking into moving this to AWS since they are shutting the colo down. 

    The site has a fairly large demand and is serving a lot of ads (3 banners, 10 small ads that fit in a 400px x 600x space, and about 3 sidebar ads. I am monitoring the usage at the moment, which should help get in the ballpark of what is required, once I gather that data. 




  12. Has anyone had any success running RAS with Amazon EC2? What are the requirements for about 1m impressions a day? Would 2 instances or more be needed? 

    I'm surprisingly finding very little information on this. All I am finding are links and post with large impressions (10m+ a day). How about for 1/10th of that?I imagined this would be a popular topic??


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