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Posts posted by Neurogami

  1. I run fail2ban to check logs fro a number of sites I host.   There is constant URL sniffing, where I see attempts to access files with names such as admin.php, administrator.php, and the like. 

    That the typical software installation uses common, well-known names is a problem.    For one app (a different ad server) I renamed assorted files; I could then watch for 404 errors on failed attempts when bots tried to find files.  The renaming preocess was qite tedious; I had to check all the app files and careful rename hard-coded references to assorted admin pages.

    I'm thinking of doing the same for Revive.  Any ideas on the down-side to doing this?  What I really want to do is change the path "www/admin" to something else.  Then have fail2ban look for any attempt to access files using the wrong path.


  2. Not yet, but I do not want to deploy until I have sufficient security in place.  I've been using Revive locally as I get familiar with it.  

    I do not want to wait until the brute force happens (and it will) and then have to rely on the Revive random delay for log-in attempts.

    I see now that Revive has no option to log sign-in attempts so I've been hacking about to write a plugin for that. 

    Sadly, the plugin development docs are pretty dismal.  (Current Revive source code still references the now-dead URL https://developer.openx.org/wiki/display/COMM/Plugins+for+2.8)


    edit:  It occurred to me that, with no failed authorization logging, how would one know if there have been brute-force attacks? Parse the access log for repeated calls to the sign-in page?   Anyways, I added code (maybe 10 lines in total) to my installation to write to the syslog when sign-in fails, and now I can have fail2ban handle this for me.

  3. The example plugins are somewhat useful,  but I'm getting unhelpful error messages when I try to make and install variations for my own tool.  

    Are there no docs for the whole process, for the XML, for the meaning of each element in the XML, the proper naming conventions, and so on?

  4. Is there a way to enable logging of sign-in attempts (both good and bad)?   I want a log file to use with fail2ban to lock out bad actors.


    Update: Since Revive offers no built-in logging for admin access I added a few lines myself to log failed attempts.

  5. I'm trying to understand Ghostery and Revive as well, but getting different  behavior.  While testing ads on my site I see that Ghostery is detecting an OpenX tracker.  One reason to self-host ads is to stop 3rd-party tracking.   I do not know why Ghostery is finding anything coming form an OpenX URL; it is unclear what is triggering this detection.  

    However, despite this reaction from Ghostery my ads still render.  I need to dig into the Revive code but my suspicion is that some generated code might be attempting to load content from openx in addition to the ad coming form my own URL.  That ad content render OK; Ghostery is just blocking the tracker (as it should).

    What's odd is the the tracker URL indicated by Ghostery is from my own site; I wonder if my use of "revive" in the URL is the matter.  But yet the ad itself renders.  

    It might also be that the async code returned by that URL contains references to openx shockwave objects.  That's something else I need to understand since I do not want the use of Flash or Shockwave on my site.


    Update: The URL caught by Ghostery ends up returning a 1x1 GIF file.  I assume this is what is used for Revive tracking.  Still do not know why Ghostery is picking up on this, but I;m suspecting something to do with the URL path.  I need to see about changing paths or file names.


    Update 2: Revive allows you to change the names of files used for banner delivery.  I changed some (including the one that was getting picked up by Ghostery), and now that 1x1 GIF URL seems to bypass Ghostery.  The default file name is "lg.php". Changing this gets it past Ghostery (at least for me in some simple testing).

  6. You can provide admin- and self-signup, with registration fee support for advertisers and publishers, using these plugins. Please note that these are a work-in-progress and features are expanding all the time. Early screenshots here.


    Full disclosure: I'm the author/developer.

    This is of course good news, but since the plugins are not free Revive-with-plugins now competes with wpAdcenter and OIOpublisher (for example).

    Each of those costs less than the Revive payment plugin; what's the selling point to stick with Revive?  How do they compare?




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