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Andrew S

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Everything posted by Andrew S

  1. Hi @andrewatfornax, yes I have a cap in the banner of like 500 million. I just put something in there. But would that cause just the first impression not to serve?
  2. Hello - I have my JS ad tag codes on a site. The first time I go to the site, a banner is never served. It's not until the 2nd or 3rd time (or refreshing), that a banner shows up. Any quick fix?
  3. Hi Andrew, Thanks for the help. So as I see it now, I need to take into account a few things: 1) VPS power and 2) tag Can I ask 3 follow up questions: 1) VPS Power: What are we talking here. I have 10 processors and 8GB of RAM. Is that not enough? 2) Tag Type: I am using the iFrame tag. The asynch tag is not so interesting for us. Would the standard javascript tag work better for us or iFrame? 3) Banner Location: I can call a banner from a CDN location or should I store the banner my VPS? I answer seems obvious (CDN) but perhaps sorting through the "custom html code" slows down delivery?
  4. Hello Revive Friends! I'm having a problem with campaign delivery. I'm seeing about 1/3 of the impressions being filled. Here's the problem: 1. I placed my zone invocation code on a page with ~ 1.2MM impressions per day 2. The campaign in the zone is only receiving 300k impressions. I go to the page with the invocation code, and sometimes I don't even see my banner 3. I've tried running remnant, 5 remnant campaigns, override and contract - all give me underdelivery 4. I have a clean install of Revive on a clean and fast VPS 5. A big mystery: In Campaign reports excel sheet I see: Delivered Impressions: 1,246,000 impressions In the basic Revive statistics I see: 453,887 impressions (I attached screenshots)6. For the invocation code, I'm using the iFrame tag Any clues how I can fill all the 1.2 MM impressions? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks, Andrew
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