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Posts posted by adus

  1. Hi

    I am setting up a fresh Revive install and I am having a brain blip. According to: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Running+Maintenance it says:

    1 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/revive_server/scripts/maintenance/maintenance.php www.example.com

    should be the cron entry, is www.example.com the url of Revive or the site I have setup for ads inside revive?

    E.G. Revive install at www.blahads.com and the site its serving is www.blahsite.com which would I use?

    Also if I have revive running on multiple urls such as www.blahads2.com (with 2 config files in var?) should I have a extra cron for each of those addresses or should I just have a single cron which will do maintenance for all?
    The 2 urls would *run* the exact same revive install with the same www.blahsite.com inside it as well as database.

    I am just trying to figure out best practice etc as we use several urls to access revive.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. Hi

    If we sell a campaign for a weeks run the CPM calculations seem to be calculated based on a months run rather than the actual duration of the campaign.

    E.g. one weeks campaign calculated a CPM of $5 but the actual number when manually calculated was $20 based on imps / 1000 then cost / that number.

    Do the cpm calculations take into account the duration of the campaign?

  3. Cloudflare DNS is one of the fastest out there so as long as the A record for ads.domain is with them you will get minimal dns latency. I would disable the cloudflare cache/proxy though possibly as I have noticed it lagging a bit.

    What tweaks/software are you running on the server? thats your best bet for reducing perceived lag. Do you use cron based scheduling yet?

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