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Posts posted by nathank

  1. I am experiencing this issue as well. No matter how many changes I make to the campaign/remnant settings, I can't seem to change that remnant ads have a 95% probability, and contract ads have a 5% probability. Even if only one ad type of each is scheduled for a zone, the remnant always wins.


    I was hopeful that erygh's comment above would apply to my situation, but no amount of adjusting campaign weights or banner weights seem to change this.


    My specifics: I have a website with 3 defined zones, and since the server update, remnant ads have received top priority over contract ads. To get non-remnant ads to appear, we've had to run them all as "contract (exclusive)," which I believe is now called "override." This is problematic, as it does not allow for the counting of impressions, and scheduling/unscheduling must be done manually.


    There is a very good chance that what I'm experiencing is due to my own error, but I feel like I've tried just about everything on the ad server side of it. The GIF below shows our linked zones page during this tinkering process. The contract campaign I'm trying to fix has 5,000 impressions scheduled for a one-week period. It's set to use a CPM price model, but no rate is currently set. I understand that leaving that space blank may be responsible for confusing the server, but I've even tried filling in some amounts there, to no avail. Any insight or ideas are greatly appreciated!




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