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Posts posted by tobean

  1. Hi!

    the last update crashes banner links containing "?" and/or "&". This is a heavy bug affecting all links with Google utm-Parameters!

    Here is the error message:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to MAX_querystringGetDestinationUrl() must be of the type int, null given, called in .../www/delivery/cl.php on line 3353 and defined in .../www/delivery/cl.php:3224
    Stack trace:
    #0 .../www/delivery/cl.php(3353): MAX_querystringGetDestinationUrl(NULL, NULL)
    #1 {main}
      thrown in .../www/delivery/cl.php on line 3224


    Please provide a fix for this problem. Thanks!



  2. Hi,

    here a some more detailed information from the browser console (Filefox).


    Page: adserver/www/admin/campaign-edit.php

    Error messages:

    Content Security Policy: The page settings have blocked the loading of a resource on eval ("script-src"). min.php:409:23
    Content Security Policy: The page settings have blocked the loading of a resource on eval ("script-src"). xajax.js:91:142

    Uncaught EvalError: call to eval() blocked by CSP (about 20 more messages independant from content security policy declarations)


    I hope this information will help to fix the problem.



  3. Hi,

    I have installed Revive in a subdirectory of my domain and it runs without problems since years.

    Now I installed some Content Security Policy rules in the .htaccess file for more security. After doing that the maximum number of the impressions of a campaign is 10. Higher numbers cannot be stored and will be corrected to 10. The priority level is also 10. If I reduce the priority level to a lower number, e.g. 1 the campaign can have only 1 impression.

    If I disable the Content Security Policy rule a campaign can have any number of impressions I put in.

    Has anyone an idea which additional CSP rules I need?

    Here is the relevant part of my rule:

    Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; img-src 'self'' ;"

    Thanks for all ideas




  4. Hi,

    I want to migrate my Revive adserver to another domain on the same web server. I copied the whole installation (all files) to the new domain and changed the paths in the configuation file.

    Now I can see the backend and this part of the migration is competely O.K. But I don't see any banners on the website (I have changed the path, too):

    <ins data-revive-zoneid="xx" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"></ins><script async src="https://www.newdomain.de/adserver-dir/www/delivery/asyncjs.php"></script>

    Any ideas what the problem is? Do I have to change more than the paths in the config file and in the banner code on the page?


  5. I'm sorry, but there is definitely no " Site - Delivery Rule Set" on a banner page when I proceed as described in your manual.

    I've found another way: When I go to "Preferences -> Delivery Rule Set Management" I can also "Add new Delivery Rule Set". And now I can go to the delivery option page of any banner and select the option "Site Channel" to find my delivery rule defined under "Preferences".

    Is this another way to do the right thing or is your documentation not up to date? I use the newset version of revive.

    Best regards


  6. Hi!


    thank you. This option seemsl be perfect to solce the problem!

    One questions: I can define these rules on banner or website basis. I guess this is the better option otherwise I must define the rules for every simgle banner.

    But when I define a whitelist of domains on website basis, I cannot see the defined rule when I look at the deivery rules for a banner of the defined website.

    I my configuration correct or where cann I see that it is a problem?

    Best regards


  7. Hi!

    in the future it must be possible to opt out from setting cookies in Revive adserver. In the actual release cookies seem to be set for one year. In the config file I found the option


    Is it possible to reduce this time to 1 hour (or for the actual browser session)? Or what is the reason that the cookie lives for 1 year?

    Or can I even set permCookieSeconds=0 to get rid of all cookies? I know that some feature will no longer work in this case (e.g. display the same banner more than once).

    It would be nice to get an anser from Eric or another admin because Revive will no longer be legal when the new legislation comes on may 25th.

    Best regards



  8. Wie Eric weiter oben geschrieben hat, kann man dafür kein Browser Caching nutzen.

    Generell würde ich Google-Empfehlungen eher geringe Bedeutung beimessen. Die verlangen von Webmastern gerne 1.000 Sachen, die Sie selbst nicht einhalten auf Ihrer eigenen Seite, oder morgen wollen sie ganz was ganz von Dir wie AMP etc. und https ist dann doch kein Ranking-Kriterium mehr. Schau Dir nur mal die gefühlt 1.000 Syntaxfehler im Adsense-Code, die dir auch jeder Validator um die Ohren haut. So wird man als Unternehmen generell unglaubwürdig ...

  9. Hi!

    I've found the following hint in the documentation:

    "Text below image: Optional text that Revive Adserver will display below the banner creative. This is a quick and easy way to add additional text to a banner without editing the banner creative to include the text.

    Please note: Only some invocation tags support the text below image option, and you may need to enable the "show text below banner" setting when generating the tag for the text to appear."

    I guess the text below banner option does not work with the asynchrous js tag? Why? Will this be possible in one of the next versions?


    Best regards


  10. Hi,


    I'm using Revive for many years and have just updated to version 4.1.1 without any problems. But some updates ago I found a problem which was not present in earlier versions:

    Its possible to define an individual text which will be displayed under the banner. In the german version the form field is called "Text unterhalb Banner". I can see the text in the backend preview of the banner but not on the frontend pages where the banner is displayed.

    Here is the banner code:

    <ins data-revive-zoneid="*" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="*****"></ins><script async src="***"></script>

    What's the mistake or is this a bug?

    Thanks in advance for any help!


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