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Moshe L

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Posts posted by Moshe L

  1. Hi!

    I am managing a  system with  15-30 banners per zone and sometimes more.

    I am mainly use two type of campaigns: Contract and  Remnant.

    When I am using Contract and  weight 5, I am reciving an amount of  impressions.

    When I am changing the weight to  6 or more - I see the campaing again and again, as with Override.


    I need to boost the campaings by a ~15-20%, not more, but not less. How to do it ?

  2. this is for  data_intermediate, as this table is used only for statistics, I can save the information, gropped for minumum rows:

    insert into openx.ox_data_intermediate_ad2
            (date_time, operation_interval, operation_interval_id, interval_Start, interval_end,                    ad_id,creative_id,zone_id,requests,impressions,clicks,updated)
    select date_time,60,0,                                             date_time, date_time + interval 59 minute, ad_id, 0, zone_id,           requests,impressions,clicks, updated  from  openx.ox_data_summary_ad_hourly
     group by  ad_id, zone_id

    this is ugly (and not ths specific code I used), but works.

  3. I have and other solution for this problem, running as MySQL scheduler task.

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`192.168.%` PROCEDURE `compress_ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2`()
    set @iDay =  DAYOFMONTH(date(now()));
    set  @dStart = date( now()) - interval @iDay - 1 day;
    set  @dHist =  @dStart - interval 6 month;
    set  @dCurrentHist =  @dStart - interval 4 month;
    /* drop old tables*/
    drop table if exists  openx.`ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2`;
    drop table if exists  openx.`ox_data_summary_ad_hourly3`;
    /* create temp table  */
    CREATE TABLE openx.`ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2` (
        `data_summary_ad_hourly_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `date_time` datetime NOT NULL,
        `ad_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
        `creative_id` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
        `zone_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
        `requests` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `impressions` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `clicks` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `conversions` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `total_basket_value` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
        `total_num_items` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
        `total_revenue` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
        `total_cost` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
        `total_techcost` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
        `updated` datetime NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`data_summary_ad_hourly_id`),
        KEY `ox_data_summary_ad_hourly_zone_id_date_time` (`zone_id` , `date_time`),
        KEY `ox_data_summary_ad_hourly_ad_id_date_time` (`ad_id` , `date_time` , `zone_id`),
        KEY `ox_data_summary_ad_hourly_date_time` (`date_time`)
    /*  old history saved by month, and not by day (a~97% saving, as I know) */
    insert into ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2 (date_time,ad_id,zone_id,impressions, clicks)
    select   date(date_time) ,ad_id,zone_id,sum(impressions),sum(clicks) from ox_data_summary_ad_hourly where date_time < @dHist group by  year(date_time),  month(date_time),  ad_id, zone_id
    /* less-old history, saved by day (1/24)  */
    insert into ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2 (date_time,ad_id,zone_id,impressions, clicks)
    select   date(date_time) ,ad_id,zone_id,sum(impressions),sum(clicks) from ox_data_summary_ad_hourly where  date_time >  @dHist and date_time < @dCurrentHist group by date(date_time), ad_id, zone_id;
    insert into ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2 (date_time,ad_id,zone_id,impressions, clicks)
    select   date_time ,ad_id,zone_id,impressions,clicks from ox_data_summary_ad_hourly where  date_time >=  @dCurrentHist ;
    /* tables saved as something can be wrong */
    rename table ox_data_summary_ad_hourly to ox_data_summary_ad_hourly3;
    rename table  ox_data_summary_ad_hourly2 to ox_data_summary_ad_hourly;
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