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Posts posted by mlowens

  1. Ever since our upgrade to Revive 3.0.5 a week ago, scheduled maintenance stopped running.  


    So I've reactivated automatic maintenance for now.  


    I checked and made sure the chron job is set up correctly.  


    Is there some issue with the upgrade that could cause scheduled maintenance to stop like this?


    I just ran into this issue after upgrading from an earlier version of Revive. You have to pass a hostname as an additional parameter when you're calling the script from the command line. If you have this set up as a cron job, you need to change it there.


    So, change this:

    php /path/to/revive/maintenance/maintenance.php


    To this:

    php /path/to/revive/maintenance/maintenance.php localhost


    There was apparently a bug in earlier versions that allowed you to call the script without the hostname parameter, which I didn't realize when I originally set up the cron. It was tricky to track down because there were no errors in debug.log.


    Revive Adserver was called via the command line, but had no host as a parameter.


    I just ran into this issue after upgrading from an earlier version of Revive. You have to pass a hostname as an additional parameter when you're calling the script from the command line. If you have this set up as a cron job, you need to change it there.


    So, change this:

    php /path/to/revive/maintenance/maintenance.php


    To this:

    php /path/to/revive/maintenance/maintenance.php localhost


    There was apparently a bug in earlier versions that allowed you to call the script without the hostname parameter, which I didn't realize when I originally set up the cron. It was tricky to track down because there were no errors in debug.log.

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