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Everything posted by Sperber

  1. Revive is announced to be built as multilingual. For some parts this seems to work, but there are still some issues for me, where the default language set to a non-english one doesn´t seem to work. Reports for example are still completly in english, even so the login-panels a.s.o. As an action od desperation, I´ve already overwritten the english language files with the germans. But that brought another problem up, because german isn´t utf-8, it´s iso-8859-1. As a result I couldn´t log in anymore, beccause I was using german special chars in the login-informartions, like ä, ö ,ü, ß. Even changing the type to ISO-8859-1 couldn´t help me out of that, so I hd to upload the original english files again and changed the // E-Mail and // Statistics translations. Meaning, I put in german translations for that and had to alter the german special chars to match the utf-8 standard. Isn´t there another, easier way to have the whole revive instance in another language than english? I´m pretty sure I have overseen an option somewhere, but I´ve searched back and forth without finding anything. Would be glad, if someone could point me into the right direction, before I have to reverse engineer the whole instance
  2. In the default language file I´ve stumbled over a sentence that indicated, that GD generated graphics can be used in email-reports for advertisers. I wasn´t aware that this is build into revive. Unfortunal I can´t find where I can switch and tweak the settings for that. Would be appreciated if someone could gimme a hand on that. Thanks!
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