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Posts posted by Kurogane

  1. I'm trying to install revive and i have this error

    [Last executed query: CREATE TABLE `rv2_application_variable` (`name` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `value` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name))]
    	[Native code: 1071]
    	[Native message: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes]

    I'm trying to change the values is in tables_core.xml


    Not work, always return me 255.

    Its in other file call it?

  2. I've a question about statistics, current i have 3GB on "stats_country" and i want to reduce this table.

    There is anyway to reduce this? if possible i want too keep only statistics one or two years old and the others delete

  3. I create two campaigns




    - Campaign A have 3 banners (whatever size)

    - Campaign B have 3 banners (whatever size)

    - Two zones (728x90)


    Reproduce steps:




    Campaign A have set Delivery capping per visitor --> Limit campaign views to: 5

    Campaign B no config (default)




    - Zone1 --> Advanced --> Display the selected zone instead --> Zone2

    - Zone2 --> Advanced --> Stop delivery and don't show a banner


    In my site i put Asynchronous Tag, when first load, load the Campaign B, then load the Campaign A and refresh more than 10 times and still show me Campaign A (where is setup to Limit campaign views to 5).


    In javascript do the same thing but when is again to Campaign A load 4 times and then go to again Campaign B and then Campaign C etc...


    Not ask me why the first load is Campaign B always do that even in openx strange behavior.

  4. I use deliver ads in my zone i setup one its works. But i have a problem, lets try to explain this better i can.


    I have 4 zone: A B C D


    1. I setup zone A, if not meet my requeriments go to B

    2. Now go to B, if not meet my requeriments go to C

    3. Now go to C.


    But not work, only stay in B never go to C how i can do that? What i try to setup. I want to have zone by country and that zone have the banner for that country to display,


    I only want to have one code (Invocation Code ) to delivery banner targeting by countries and is not meet requeriments display others banner.


    I hope you understand me what i need.



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